Prof. Dr. Irina Lock

Irina Lock, Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Prof. Dr. Irina Lock
Foto: Anne Günther (Universität Jena)
Raum 309
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8
07743 Jena Google Maps – LageplanExterner Link
Terminvergabe über Frau Junold
  • Lebenslauf
    • Seit WiSe 2022/23: Professur für Strategische Kommunikation am Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
    • 2017-2022: Assistant professor of corporate communication, Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam, NL
    • 2015-2017: Postdoc Università della Svizzera italiana, CH
    • 2015: Promotion (summa cum laude) Kommunikationswissenschaft. Dissertation zum Thema "The credibility of Corporate Social Responsibility communication. Concepts, Methods, Analyses.", Università della Svizzera italiana, CH
    • 2015: Gastwissenschaftlerin Experimental Ethics Lab, TU München
    • 2011-2015: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institute for Marketing and Communication Management, Università della Svizzera italiana, CH
  • Publikationen

    Peer-reviewed articles

    Schwinges, A., Lock, I., van der Meer, T. G., & Vliegenthart, R. (2024). Stepping on Toes? Role Dynamics between Journalists and Lobbyists Regarding Big Tech´s Accountability Agenda. The International Journal of Press/Politics, Link

    Lock, I., Wonneberger, A., & Steenbeek, P. (2024). Divergent Views and Common Values: Comparing Sustainability Understandings Across News Media, Businesses, and Consumers. Environmental Communication, 1-21.↗DOI:10.1080/17524032.2024.2327063Externer Link 

    Lock, I., & Jacobs, S.H.J. (2023). Identity resilience in times of mediatization: Comparing employees’ with citizens’ perceptions of a public organization. Public Relations Review. Link

    Peng, Y., Lock, I., & Sallah, A. A. (2023). Automated visual analysis for the study of social media effects: Opportunities, approaches, and challengesCommunication Methods and Measures. DOI: 10.1080/19312458.2023.2277956

    Lock, I., & Davidson, S. (2023). Argumentation strategies in lobbying: toward a typologyJournal of Communication Management, 2023. Link

    Link to DBTExterner Link

    Schwinges A., van der Meer, G. L. A., Lock, I. & Vliegenthart, R. (2023). The watchdog role in the age of Big Tech - how news media in the United States and Germany hold Big Tech corporations accountable. Information, Communication & Society, Link

    Lock, I. (2023). Conserving complexity: A complex systems paradigm and framework to study public relations´contribution to grand challengesPublic Relations Review, 49(2), Link

    Lock, I., & Jacobs, S. (2023). Behind Closed Doors: How Public Affairs Professionals Perceive the Process of Organizational Frame-BuildingInternational Journal of Communication, 17, 4015-4036. Link

    Lu, G., Businger, M., Dollfus, C., Wozniak, T., Fleck, M., Heroth, T., Lock, I., & Lipenkova, J. (2022). Agenda-Setting for COVID-19: A Study of Large-Scale Economic News Coverage Using Natural Language Processing Link

    Araujo, T., Lock, I., van de Velde, B. (2020). Automated Visual Content Analysis (AVCA) in Communication Research: A Protocol for Large Scale Image Classification with Pre-Trained Computer Vision Models. Communication Methods and Measures, 1-27. ↗DOI:10.1080/19312458.2020.1810648Externer Link (Impact Factor - IF = 5,3)

    Lock, I., Araujo, T. (2020). Visualizing the triple bottom line: A large‐scale automated visual content analysis of European corporations' website and social media images. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, ↗DOI: 10.1002/csr.1988Externer Link (IF = 4,5)

    Lock, I. (2020). Debating Glyphosate: A Macro Perspective on the Role of Strategic Communication in Forming and Monitoring A Global Issue Arena Using Inductive Topic Modelling. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 1-23. ↗DOI: 10.1080/1553118X.2020.1780240Externer Link

    Lock, I. (2020). Wie wirkt kongruente Text-Bild-Sprache auf Glaubwürdigkeit und Handlungsabsichten in der Integrationsdebatte? Publizistik, 65, 425–450. ↗DOI: 10.1007/s11616-020-00577-5Externer Link

    Lock, I., Wonneberger, A., Verhoeven, P., & Hellsten, I. (2020). Back to the Roots? The Applications of Communication Science Theories in Strategic Communication Research. International Journal of Strategic Communication14(1), 1-24. ↗DOI: 10.1080/1553118X.2019.1666398Externer Link

    Lock, I., Stachel, C., Seele, P. (2020). Traveling frames: How corporate and civil society actors try to influence public administration and courts in a case on nuclear emission data in Switzerland. Journal of Public Affairs20(1), e2008. ↗DOI: 10.1002/pa.2008Externer Link

    Lock, I. (2019). Explicating communicative organization-stakeholder relationships in the digital age: A systematic review and research agenda. Public Relations Review, 45(4), 1-13. ↗DOI:10.1016/j.pubrev.2019.101829Externer Link (IF = 1,6)

    Lock, I., Ludolph, R. (2019). Organizational Propaganda on the Internet: A Systematic Review. Public Relations Inquiry. ↗DOI; 10.1177/2046147X19870844Externer Link

    Lock, I., Schulz-Knappe, C. (2019). Credible corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication predicts legitimacy: Evidence from an experimental studyCorporate Communications24(1), 2-20. ↗DOI:10.1108/CCIJ-07-2018-0071 Externer Link

    Lock, I., Seele, P. (2018). Gauging the rigor of qualitative case studies in comparative lobbying research. A framework and guideline for research and analysis. Journal of Public Affairs. ↗DOI: 10.1002/pa.1832Externer Link

    Ihlen, O., Raknes, K., Somerville, I., Valentini, C., Stachel, C., Lock, I., Davidson, S., Seele, P. (2018). Framing “the public interest”: Comparing public lobbying campaigns in four European states. Journal of Public Interest Communications2(1), 107-128. ↗LinkExterner Link

    Lock, I., Seele, P. (2017). Measuring Credibility Perceptions in CSR Communication: A Scale Development to Test Readers’ Perceived Credibility of CSR Reports. Management Communication Quarterly, ↗DOI: 10.1177/0893318917707592Externer Link. (Impact Factor - IF = 1,4)

    Lock, I., Seele, P. (2017). Theorizing stakeholders of sustainability in the digital age. Sustainability Science, 12(2): 235-245. ↗ DOI: 10.1007/s11625-016-0404-2Externer Link (IF = 3,9)

    Seele, P., Lock, I. (2017). The game-changing potential of digitalization for sustainability: possibilities, perils, and pathways. Sustainability Science, 12(2): 183-185. ↗DOI: 10.1007/s11625-017-0426-4Externer Link (IF = 3,9)

    Lock, I., Seele, P. (2017). Politicized CSR: How corporate political activity (mis-)uses political CSR. Journal of Public Affairs. ↗DOI: 10.1002/pa.1667 Externer Link

    Lock, I., Seele, P. (2017). The Consequences of Astroturf Lobbying for Trust and Authenticity: Findings and Implications from an Experiment. Communication Management Review2(1), 30-52. ↗DOI: 10.22522/cmr20170121 Externer Link

    Lock, I. (2016). Glaubwürdigkeit in der CSR-Kommunikation. Entwicklung eines legitimätsbasierten Ansatzes. Publizistik, 61: 413-429. ↗DOI: 10.1007/s11616-016-0300-xExterner Link

    Lock, I., Seele, P. (2016) The credibility of CSR reports in Europe. Evidence from a quantitative content analysis in 11 countries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 122: 186-200. ↗DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.02.060Externer Link    (IF = 5,7)

    Lock, I., Seele, P. (2016) Deliberative Lobbying? Toward a Non-Contradiction of Corporate Political Activities and Corporate Social Responsibility? Journal of Management Inquiry, 25(4): 415-430. ↗DOI: 10.1177/1056492616640379Externer Link (IF = 1,8)

    Lock, I., Seele P., Heath R. L. (2016) Where grass has no roots: The concept of ‘shared strategic communication’ as an answer to unethical astroturf lobbying, International Journal of Strategic Communication, 10(2): 87-100. ↗DOI: 0.1080/1553118X.2015.1116002Externer Link

    Lock, I., Seele P. (2016) CSR Governance & Departmental Organization: A Typology of Best Practices, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 16(1):1-20. ↗DOI: 10.1108/CG-01-2015-0010Externer Link

    von Schnurbein G., Seele P., Lock, I. (2016) Exclusive Corporate Philanthropy: Rethinking the nexus of CSR and Corporate Philanthropy, Social Responsibility Journal, 12(2): 280-294. ↗DOI: 10.1108/SRJ-10-2014-0149Externer Link

    Seele P., Lock, I. (2015) Instrumental and/or Deliberative? A Typology of CSR Communication Tools, Journal of Business Ethics, 131(2): 401-414. ↗DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2282-9Externer Link (IF = 2,9)

    Lock, I., Seele P. (2015) Quantitative Content Analysis as a Method for Business Ethics Research, Business Ethics: A European Review, 24(S1): S24-S40. ↗DOI: 10.1111/beer.12095Externer Link (IF = 3,0)

    Lock, I., Seele P. (2015) Analyzing sector-specific CSR reporting: Social and environmental disclosure to investors in the chemicals and banking & insurance industry, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 22(2): 113-128. ↗DOI: 10.1002/csr.1338Externer Link (IF = 2,9) 



    Co-editor Special Issue: "Sustainability and Digitalization: A Game Changer? Possibilities, Perils, Pathways." Sustainability Science, 12(2). (IF = 3,4) 

    Book Chapters

    Lock, I. (2023). Churnalism aus Leserperspektive: Glaubwürdigkeits- und Legitimitätseffekte grenzüberschreitender Public Relations. In: Koch, T., Beckert, J., Viererbl, B., Denner, N. (eds.) Grenzen, Entgrenzung und Grenzüberschreitungen der Public Relations und Organisationskommunikation. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. Link 

    Ihlen, O., Lock, I., Raknes, K. (2022). Democracy, strategic communication, & lobbying. In J. Falkheimer & M. Heide (Eds.). Research Handbook of Strategic Communication. Edward Elgar Publishing.

    Lock, I. (2021). Politischer Einfluss durch Kommunikation: Public Affairs in Europa. In U. Röttger, P. Donges & A. Zerfaß (Hrsg.), Handbuch Public Affairs. Politische Kommunikation für Unternehmen und Organisationen. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. ↗ Link

    Lock, I., Seele, P. (2017). CSR, Public Affairs and Corporate Community Involvement: Torn between Instrumentalism and Deliberation. In P. Harris, & C. Fleisher (Eds.), ↗SAGE Handbook of International Corporate and Public AffairsExterner Link. (pp. 550-564). London: Sage Publications.

    Lock, I., Seele P. (2017). Quantitative content analysis as a method for business ethics research. In P. Werhane, E. Freeman, & S. Dmytriyev (eds.) ↗Cambridge Handbook of Research Approaches to Business Ethics and Corporate ResponsibilityExterner Link (pp. 155-171). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

    Not peer-reviewed articles

    Lock, I. (2023). Domänenkompetenz in Public Relations. Gefragt sind Branchenkenntnis und journalistische Praxis. In S. Turner & S. Russ-Mohl (eds.) Deep Journalism. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

    Lock, I., Giani, S. (2021). Finding More Needles in More Haystacks: Rigorous Literature Searching for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses in Management and Organization Studies. Preprint,  SocArXiv, ↗ Link

    Becker, I., Schöttl, L., Kühn, A.-L., Akhavan, R., Lock, I. (2016) Welche Fragen beschäftigen den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs? Retrospektive zum 32. Berliner Forum für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmens-ethik an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Externer LinkForum Wirtschaftsethik, 1: 11-16.

    Lock I., Seele P. (2014) Stichwort: Glaubwürdigkeit, Externer LinkForum Wirtschaftsethik, 3: 17-19.

    Lock I. (2014) Franzisca Weder: Die CSR-Debatte in den Printmedien. rezensionen:kommunikation:medien, 14. August 2014, ↗ Link, 2838 views.

  • Preise und Auszeichnungen

    Communication Methods and Measures Article of the Year Award 2020. Araujo, T., Lock, I., van de Velde, B. (2020). Automated Visual Content Analysis (AVCA) in Communication Research: A Protocol for Large Scale Image Classification with Pre-Trained Computer Vision Models. ↗DOI:10.1080/19312458.2020.1810648Externer Link

    Top Faculty Paper Award International Communication Association, Public Relations Division, 2018: “How are online relationships between organizations and publics measured online? A systematic review and research agenda.”

    European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) Award for Excellent PhD Thesis 2017: Best dissertation in PR/Organizational Communication (awarded biannually).

    ABB/Alstom Prize for Best PhD 2014/15: Best dissertation of the Faculty of Communication Science 2014/15, USI Lugano.