Aktuelle Publikationen

Kroher, M., Leuze, K. (2024): Degree differentiation and changing career outcomes of higher education graduates in Germany: A matter of specialisation, extracurricular activities or labour market segmentation? Special Edition 26 der Zeitschrift Soziale Welt: Groß, C., Jaksztat, S (Hrsg): “Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia”, 20-54, https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/9783748925590/career-paths-inside-and-outside-academia?page=1Externer Link

Althaber, A., Leuze, K., Künzel, R. (2023): Financial solidarity or autonomy? How gendered wealth and income inequalities influence couples’ money management. Social Inclusion, 11, Special Issue “Wealth stratification and the insurance function of wealth”, 187–199, www.cogitatiopress.com/socialinclusion/article/view/6005Externer Link

Böhnke, P., Giesecke, J., Groh-Samberg, O., Konietzka, D., Kleinert, C., Leuze, K., Pollak, R. (Hrsg.) (2023): Informationen zur politischen Bildung 354 (01/2023): Soziale Ungleichheit. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. https://www.bpb.de/shop/zeitschriften/izpb/520360/soziale-ungleichheit/Externer Link

Erdmann, M., Marques Hill, A., Helbig, M., Leuze, K. (2023): Do Women’s Empowerment and Self-Expression Values Change Adolescents’ Gendered Occupational Expectations? Longitudinal evidence against the gender-equality paradox from 26 European Countries. Frontiers in Sociology, 8/2023, https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2023.1175651Externer Link

Kleinert, C., Leuze, K., Bächmann, A.-C., Gatermann, D., Hägglund, A.E., Rompczyk, K. (2023): Occupational Sex Segregation and its Consequences for the (Re-)Production of Gender Inequalities in the German Labour Market. In: Weinert, S., Blossfeld, G., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (Hrsg.): Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories: Analysing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). Cham: Springer, 295-317. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-031-27007-9_13Externer Link

Minor, R., Leuze, K., Winkler, E. (2023): Is there a “STEM Personality” in Germany? Linking Personality Traits with STEM Occupational Aspirations in German Secondary Education. International Journal of Gender Science and Technology, 15/3, Special Issue “Gendered Pathways: Identifying Barriers and Building Bridges to STEM Education and Careers”, 264-294, https://genderandset.open.ac.uk/index.php/genderandset/article/view/1454Externer Link
