Dr. Manuela Zechner


Soziale Bewegungen, Feminismus und Care-Theorien, Subjektivität und Mikropolitik, Migration und Migrationspolitiken, Organisationsstudien, Feministische Politische Ökologie

  • Vita

    seit 2021 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Jena im BMBF-Forschungsprojekt MovE (Movements of Europe. Transnationale soziale Bewegungen und Bruchlinien der Solidarität, www.move-projekt.deExterner Link)

    2020 Fellowship, DFG-KFG Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit, Universität zu Hamburg.

    2019-20 Visiting Researcher, ICTA Institut de Ciencia I Technologia Ambientals, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.

    2017-20 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit (postdoc), Aristotle University Thessaloniki, ERC project on Commons in Southern Europe. Childcare commons and Municipalist micropolitics

    2015-16 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Berlin Institute for Migration Research (BIM), Humboldt University. Project: Migrant self-organisation in the European crisis.

    2009-13 Phd (cum Laude), Schools of Drama and Management (joint scholarship), Queen Mary University London. Thesis: The world we desire is one we create and care for together. On collectivity, organisation, governance and commoning in times of crisis and precarity.

    2007-08 MA (distinction), Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths College London. Thesis: Careful, vulnerable entrepreneurs. Post-fordist subjectivity between individuality and collectivity.

    2003-06 BA (distinction), Fina Art Media, Chelsea College of Art London. Thesis: Head or tail. Western constructs of subjectivity-objectivity in capitalism.

  • Publikationen

    Monografien und Herausgaben

    Zechner, M., Cobo-Guevara, P., and Herbst, M. (eds.) (2017) Situating ourselves in displacement. Conditions, Experiences and Subjectivity across Neoliberalism and Precarity, Wivenhoe & Leipzig: JOOAP and Minor Compositions. ISBN 9781570273230

    Zechner, M. and Intermediae (eds.) (2017) Una Ciudad Muchos Mundos. Artistic Research and Situated Practices. Madrid: Continta Me Tienes. ISBN: 978-84-947938-1-3

    Zechner, M., Hansen, B. and Plotegher, P. (2013c) The Nanopolitics Handbook. London&Wivenhoe: Minor Compositions. ISBN 978-1-57027-268-4

    Zechner, M. (2007) Playback, Playforward: a Future Archive Newspaper. Unna: Medienkunstraum Unna.  https://archive.org/details/PlaybackPlayforward_pdfExterner Link

    Aufsätze, Beiträge in Sammelbänden u. weitere Texte


    Zechner, M., and Hansen, B. (2020) ‘Careless Networks? Social Media, Care and Reproduction in the Web of Life,’ Spheres, Journal for Digital Cultures, 6.

    Zechner, M. (2020) Case Studies in Spain: Childcare Commons and the Micropolitics of Municipalismo in Barcelona. Fieldwork Report, http://heteropolitics.netExterner Link

    Saave, A., Dengler, C., Just, D. Zechner, M. et al (2020) Collaborative Feminist Degrowth: Pandemic as an opening for care-full transformation. Published on http://degrowth.infoExterner Link


    Zechner, M. and Rübner Hansen, B. (2019) ‘Extending the family,’ In: Harvie, Barbagallo and Beuret (Eds.) Commoning with Silvia Federici and George Caffentzis. New York/London: Pluto Press. ISBN: 9780745339405

    ‘Migrations and the Museum. Some entanglements and possibilities’ (2019) (CAT and ENG), D’Anada I Tornada: Proyectes I Practiques collaboratives des del museu I a traves de l’art. Palma: Museu Baluard. ISBN 978-84-948409-4-4


    Zechner, M., Gérardin, I., Mazières-Vaysse, A. and Tasset, C. (2018) « Re-situer la précarité en temps de crise », Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, 0(28), p. 121-138. doi: 10.14428/emulations.028.09.

    Zechner, M. (2018) Habiter la ville neoliberale. Sujets collectifs et précarites du care dans la crise Européenne (2018) In: Ginot, I., Clavel, J,. Bardet, M. (Eds.) Écosomatiques. Penser l’Écologie depuis le geste. Paris: Deuxieme Époque. ISBN 978-2-37769-062-6

    Zechner, M. and Rübner Hansen, B. (2018) ‘Nutzen wir die Städte als Orte des Erxperimentierens,’Attac Austria (Eds.) Entzauberte Union. Warum die EU nicht zu retten und ein Austritt keine Lösung ist. Vienna: Mandelbaum Verlag. pp. 246-261. ISBN: 978385476- 669-8


    Zechner, M., Rübner Hansen, B. (2017): Intersecting Mobilities. Declassing and Migration from the Viewpoint of Organising within and against Precarity. In: movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies 3 (1). ISSN 2509-8322


    Zechner, M. (2016) ‘Let’s play? Citizenship, subjectivity and becoming in municipalism,’ in Brunner, C., Kubaczek, N., Mulvaney, K., Raunig, G. (eds.) (2016) Die Neuen Munizipalismen. Soziale Bewegungen und die Regierung der Städte, Vienna: Transversal Texts.


    Zechner, M. (2015) ‘Barcelona en Comú: the city as horizon for radical 
    democracy,’ ROAR Magazine Online, 2015.

    Zechner, M. and Hansen, B. (2015) ‘Building power in a crisis of social reproduction,’ ROAR Magazine, 0

    Social Reproduction and Collective Care. With Bue Hansen. In: Occupied Times, Issue 28, August 2015. London. https://theoccupiedtimes.org/?p=14000


    Zechner, M. (2013a) The world we desire is one we can create and care for together, Phd Thesis, London: Queen Mary University London.

    Zechner, M. (2013b) ‘Unter die Haut gehen: Sorge und Affekt in Kollektiver Organisierung,’ Linksnet.

    Die Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca. In: Kulturrise 3/2013. Vienna: IG Kultur. http://kulturrisse.at/ausgaben/experiment-kunstfoerderung/kosmopolitiken/die-plataforma-de- afectados-por-la-hipoteca


    Zechner, M. (2012a) ‘Precariousness beyond creativity: some inflexions on care and collectivity,’ in Armano, E., Murgia, A. (eds.) (2012) Mappe de la Precarietà, Bologna: Odoya.

    Zechner, M. (2012b) ‘Precarity, Militancy and Network-Families’. In: Parallax, Issue 5, Vol. 18, 2012.

    Zechner, M., Stallmann, T., Bejarano Soto, M-C., Mason-Deese, L., Kewada, R., Rübner Hasen, B., Ferreri, M., Barbagallo, B., Burgett, B., Martin, R., "Countermapping the University," Lateral 1 (2012).

    Nanopolitics: experiments in radical movement, with P.Plotegher and B.Hansen, In: ‘Guattari: los ecos del pensar, entre filosofía, arte y clínica’, Ed. G.Berti. Hakabooks, Madrid, 2012.


    Movement, learning. In: Brand Magazine Issue 1/2011 (SE); as well as 'Creating Worlds' Issue of Eipcp Webjournal, 2011; and also in ‘Dispatches from the Ruins’ e-book (UK), 2011. http://eipcp.net/projects/creatingworlds/zechner/en

    Caring for networks, creatively. In: TransLocalAct: Cultural Practices within and across, Paris/Sheffield: Rhyzom. 2011 http://www.rhyzom.net/2011/02/02/translocalact.pdf


    Zechner, M. (2010) ‘Subjetividade e coletividade: problemas de relação,’ Cuadernos da Subjetividade, 12: 132-144.

    Future functions: aspiration, desire and futures. In: Transit Labour #2, Shanghai/Sydney, University of Western Sydney. 2010. http://transitlabour.asia/blogs/future-functions-aspiration- desire-and-futures

  • Lehre

    2015-17 <> Una ciudad muchos Mundos. Arts-research programme tutor, editor and juror at Intermediae Madrid, first edition of programme.

    2010-12 <> Interventions: art and activism in practice. Seminar module taught as part of the BA Drama at Queen Mary University London, several semesters.