Dr. Bue Rübner Hansen

Field of acitivity

Critical social research, political ecology, intellectual history, organisational theory, critical political economy, social movements.

https://uni-jena.academia.edu/BueRübnerHansenExterner Link

  • Vita

    Since 2021 Scientific fellow in the BMBF-research project MovE (Movements of Europe, www.move-projekt.deExterner Link)

    2020-21 Visiting research fellow, Center for Advanced Studies for the Futures of Sustainability, Universität Hamburg

    2020 Visiting research fellow, Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technologies (ICTA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

    2015-18 Individual Danish Council of Independent Research Postdoctoral fellow at Aarhus University; recipient of the Sapere Aude Research Talent Grant.

    2009-14 PhD from Queen Mary University, London.

    2008-09 MA Critical Methodologies, Department of French, King's College London.

    2007-08 MA studies in Intellectual History, University of Aarhus

    2006-07 BA studies at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology

    2003-05 BA studies at Aarhus University, Intellectual History

  • Publications

    Peer reviewed publications

    • Hansen, Bue Rübner: “Political Economy and Political Epidemiology in the Covid-19 Pandemic”, in the Routledge Handbook of Social Change, forthcoming 2021.
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner: “The Interest of Breathing – towards a theory of ecological interest formation”, Crisis and Critique, 7, issue 3, 2020.
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner and Manuela Zechner: "Careless Networks – Social Reproduction in the Web of Life", Spheres: Journal of Digital Cultures,
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner and Manuela Zechner,"Intersecting mobilities", Movements – Journal für kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung, 3.1,
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner: "Resiliens hinsides modstand og tilpasning", Slagmark 73, forår 2016, pp.117-140.
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner: "Surplus Population, Social Reproduction and the Problem of Class Formation", Viewpoint – Social Reproduction Issue,
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner, and Manuela Zechner: "Building Power in a Crisis of Social Reproduction, Roar Magazine, issue 0, 2015.
    • The Nanopolitics Group: 'Nanopolitics: A first outline of experiments in movement', in Lateral 1(1), 2012, http://culturalstudiesassociation.org/lateral/issue1/nanopolitics.htmlExterner Link
    • The Nanopolitics Group: "Nanopolitics", in Consecutio Temporum, 2, 2012.
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner: "Nitzan and Bichler's Capital as Power", review essay, Historical Materialism, 2, 2011. Pp. 240-255.
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner: "A Marxian Politics of the Exception?", Marxism21, 7.1, 2010. 299-325

    Research monographs, book chapters

    • Hansen, Bue Rübner: "Contextualizing the Catalan Secession Crisis in the Spanish and European Crisis", in Nations at Stake – the Catalan March for Independence, Palgrave, forthcoming 2020
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner and Andreas Møller Mulvad: "From Civic Associationalism to Welfare Statism: Phase-Modelling the Rise and Decline of Danish Worker Cooperativism 1884-2019", in Civil Society in the Shadow of the State, Routledge, forthcoming 2020
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner and Manuela Zechner: "Extending the Family", Always Struggle: Commoning with George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici (San Francisco: PM Press), 2019.
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner: "Barcelona – Stadt der Zuflucht und Migration", in Solidarische Städte, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, 2019.
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner: "Colonial and Canibal Orientations - Robinson Crusoe as guide and myth, Situating Oneself in Displacement (London/New York: Minor Compositions), 2018.
    • Hansen, Bue Rübner: "The Crisis Is the Organism's Mastering of Itself – A Conceptual and Practical History of the Problem of Crisis through Koselleck and Hegel." In Conceptions in Economic History, edited by Mikkel Thorup (London: Palgrave Macmillan), 2016. 16 pages.
    • The Nanopolitics Group, The Nanopolitics Handbook, Bue Rübner Hansen, Manuela Zechner and Paolo Plotegher (London/New York: Minor Compositions 2013), 281 pages.
    • The Nanopolitics Group: "Experimenting sensitivities in the neoliberal city" in Félix Guattari, Los Ecos De Pensar (Barcelona: Haka Books), 2012.

    Selected talks

    • “The interest of Breathing”, talk at the Center for Advanced Studies for the Futures of Sustainability, Hamburg University, December 9th 2020.
    • “Co-research, militant research, counter-mapping and participatory diagramming”. Workshop at the Center for Advanced Studies for the Futures of Sustainability, Hamburg University, October 20 and 21, 2020.
    • "Winter in Catalonia - The Rise and Fall of the Epic of Catalan Independence", Exploring the Catalan Crisis, what is next for Spain?, Research Seminar at Aalborg University, March 21, 2018
    •  "The Production of Urban Citizenship", GRECS/OACU research seminar, University of Barcelona, November 2, 2017
    •  "Urban Citizenship", Gutes Leben für Alles Kongress, Vienna, February 11, 2017
    • "Municipalism and the EU", Sackgasse EU, Attac Austria, VHS polycollege Margareten, Vienna, November 19, 2016.
    • "Diagrammatics of Power", Cosmos Summer School, Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung, Humboldt Universität Berlin, September 2016
    • "More than a refuge: Urban Citizenship", Cities of Transit, Cities of Welcome Conference, The United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility, Barcelona, July 14-15, 2016
    • "Building Power", Leicester University, School of Management, February 2016
    • "Survival Programmes and the crisis of reproduction", Democracy Rising Conference, Athens, July 2015
    • "Space and time between singularity and teleology in Hegel and Spinoza", paper at the Hegel, Telos and Totality workshop at Jan van Eyck Academie, Maarstricht, December 2012
    • "Counter\mapping Qmary", presentation with Mara Ferreri and Rakhee Kewada at Exploring the Political Agency of Maps - The Heuristics of Mapping Urban Environmental Change, conference at the Bartlett, University College London, 2012
    • "Some questions around the consumption, circulation and production of 'radical' knowledge", presentation at Organising the Commons, Leicester University, 2012.
    • "Value and abstraction between apolitics and politics", paper at European Studies' Research Seminar, Kings College London, 2010
    • "The Student Movement at British Universities", presentation and panel discussion at Oxford Radical Forum, Wadham College, Oxford University, 2009
  • Teaching

    "Global Social Problems", BA module at Webster University, Vienna. 2021

    "Topics in European History: The Welfare State", BA module at Webster University, Vienna. 2020

    "Economics in Society I and II", and "Ideas of Time and History", 3rd year BA module at CASE, Aarhus University. 2017-18

    Coordinator of the "Reproduction between Need and Desire", seminar series at La Electrodomestica, Barcelona. Autumn 2014.

    Teaching assistant in "Organizational Change and Development" (3rd year BA module), at Queen Mary University, London. 2011-12

    Teaching assistant in the history of philosophy (1st year BA module) at the Department of Intellectual History at the University of Aarhus. 2007-08