Dr. Kostiantyn Yanchenko

  • Lebenslauf

    Bildung und Akademischer Werdegang

    • seit SoSe 2024: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoktorand), Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
    • 2022–2024: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, BMBF Projekt "Few-Shot Learning for Automated Content Analysis in Communication Science" (FLACA), Universität Hamburg und Leibniz-Institut für Medienforschung | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)
    • 2020–2023: Promotion am Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Universität Hamburg zum Thema "Understanding the Nature, Effects, and Audiences of Populist Narratives in Contemporary Information Environments" (magna cum laude)
    • 2021–2022: Mitbegründer und Dozent, Ukrainian Academic Accelerator (UAA: JMC), ein Bildungsprojekt für Studierende, die einen Abschluss in den Bereichen Journalismus, Medien und Kommunikation erwerben
    • 2019–2021: Studentische Hilfskraft am Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Universität Hamburg
    • 2017–2019: Masterstudium in Journalism, Media, and Globalization an der Aarhus University (Dänemark) und Universität Hamburg mit Abschlussarbeit zum Thema "Populism and the Media: A Case Study of the Ukrainian Presidential Elections 2019." (Abschlussnote: mit Auszeichnung)
    • 2013–2017: Bachelorstudium in Journalismus an der Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine) mit Abschlussarbeit zum Thema "Local Practices of Global Media: Impact on Marketing and Professional Standards"

    Außeruniversitäre Berufserfahrung

    Weitere berufliche Fortbildungen

    • 2019–2021: New Frontiers in Journalism, Communication and Media Research, Graduate School of University of Hamburg
    • 2020: Soft-Skills Workshops, Hamburg Research Academy
    • 2020: Methods Courses, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
    • 2018: Youth Advisory Board Internship, Index on Censorship London
  • Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte
    • Populismus
    • Mediensysteme Zentral- und Osteuropas
    • Öffentliche Meinungsbildung
    • Manipulation im digitalen zeitalter
  • Auszeichnungen & Stipendien
    • Hamburg University Doctoral Scholarship, 2020–2022
    • Mini-grant of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society (DUAG), 2021
    • Hamburg University Degree Completion Grant, 2019
    • Grant of the Denmark's Development Foundation (DANIDA), 2015
    • Grants of the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU), 2014, 2015
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
    • SoSe 2024: Public Opinion in the Digital Age (BA), Universität Jena
    • SoSe 2024: Inferential Statistics with R (BA), Universität Jena
    • WiSE 2023/24: Investigative Ethnography of Political Disinformation on Telegram (BA, MA), Universität Hamburg
    • SoSe 2023: Political Disinformation and Counter-Publics on Telegram (BA, MA), Universität Hamburg
    • WiSe 2022/23: Populist Communication (BA, MA), Universität Hamburg

Publikationen, Vorträge und Konferenzen

  • Publikationen in Peer-Reviewed Journals
  • Weitere Publikationen
  • Konferenzen und Workshops (Aktuelle Auswahl)


    • Presenter, DGPuK 2024, Erfurt, Germany.
      Topic: Zero Shot Stance Detection Using GPT Models.
    • Presenter, UNPOP International Colloquium on Emotions, Narratives and Identities in Politics, Populism and Democracy, Coimbra, Portugal. Topic: In search of a better story: How the structural approach to populist narratives can benefit populism studies.


    • Presenter, HEPP4, Emotions, Populism, and Polarized Politics, Media, and Culture, University of Helsinki. Topic: We – the... elites? Anti-elitist communication of populist parties in power.
    • Presenter, ECREA PolComm 2023, Weizenbaum Institut & FU Berlin. Topic: Beyond “master frames”: A Semi-automated approach to studying viewpoint diversity of the media discourse.
    • Presenter, DGPuK-Konferenz 2023, Universität Bremen. Topic: Few-shot learning for automated content analysis: Efficient coding of arguments and claims in the debate on arms deliveries to Ukraine.
    • Discussant, The Research Centre for East European Studies (Forschungsstelle Osteuropa – FSO), Bremen. Topic: Presentation of the book “Zelensky Effect...” by Olga Onuch and Henry E. Hale.


    • Presenter, Ghent-Tartu Research Workshop hosted by Johan Skytte Institute for Political Science. Topic: Reconsidering communication studies in Ukraine after Russia's full-scale invasion: Novel priorities, research questions, and collaborative directions.
    • Presenter, Mundus Journalism ECREA pre-conference, Aarhus. Topic: Stories about “Us” and “Them”: An Experimental Inquiry into the Relative Appeal of Populist Storytelling.
    • Presenter, the Summer School “Reorienting Research Projects and Area Studies after 24 February 2022.” Topic: Making Sense of Populist Hyperreality in the Post-truth Age: Evidence from Volodymyr Zelensky’s Voters.


    • Presenter, the GWZO Leipzig workshop “Post-Imperial and Post-Socialist Legacies in Today’s Populisms in Eastern Europe.” Topic: Post-Soviet Legacies in Modern Populism in Ukraine.
    • Presenter, The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media by Oxford Internet Institute. Topic: Negotiating Journalistic Boundaries from the Perspectives of Regulation, Journalism, and Antagonistic Actors – A Case Study from a Transitional Democracy.
    • Presenter, Populism: New Perspectives, 5th Populism Specialist Group (PSA) Workshop, Cardiff. Topic: Conceptualizing a Populist Narrative: Rationales, Attributes, Implications.


    • Presenter, The Impact Workshop of Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI), Hamburg. Topic: Relation between Populism and Storytelling: Implications for the European Media Policy.


    • Panelist, Populism in European Societies – Repercussions in the Media, EEGA, Leipzig. Topic: Comparative Perspectives on the Repercussions of Populism in the Media.
    • Presenter, Advancing Science and Education through International Cooperation, DUAG, Tübingen. Topic: Populism on Television Talk Shows: a Case of Ukrainian Presidential Elections 2019.