Prof. em. Dr. Reinhard BlickhanBewegungswissenschaft / Science of Motion

Prof. Blickhan war vom 01.10.1993 bis 30.09.2016 Professor der Bewegungswissenschaft/Biomechanik am Institut für Sportwissenschaft
Reinhard Blickhan, Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Prof. em.
Seidelstraße 20
07749 Jena Google Maps – LageplanExterner Link
nach Vereinbarung


Jahr Tätigkeiten / Stationen
1957 - 1961 Elementary school, Eppertshausen
1961 - 1968 Goetheschule (high school, natural sciences), Diebur
1969 - 1972 Studies of Physics, Justus-Liebig University, Gießen
1972 - 1976 Studies of Physics, Technical University, Darmstadt
1976 Diplome (masters) in Physics, T.U. Darmstadt (Prof. Kötzler),
"Measurement of the dynamic zero-field susceptibility of EuO
in the range of the ferromagnetic ctritical point.”
1976 - 1983 Studies of Biology at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main
1983 Doctor of Natural Sciences (PhD, Dr. phil. nat.), J.W.-Goethe-University,
Frankfurt am Main, (Prof. F.G. Barth), "Strain in the exoskeleton of spiders."
1983 - 1986 Research stipend (post doc, DFG) and research specialist at Harvard University,
Cambridge, U.S.A., (Prof. C. R. Taylor, Prof. T. A. McMahon) "Principals of
construction of the motion system of vertebrates”
1986 - 1992 Assistant professor, University of the Saarland (Prof. W. Nachtigall)
"Locomotion in fluids", establishment and direction of a project on
fish locomotion.
1989 - 1990 Visiting scientist for several months at the University of California at
Berkeley "Principals of construction of the arthropod motion system"
und at the Scripps-Oceanographic-Institute at San Diego "Forces in
the tendon of swimming tuna."
1992 Scientific excursion to the marine station of the University of Heraclion,
Crete, Greece, "Visualization of flow in the vicinity of swimming fish”.
1992 Habilitation "Biomechanics of the axial aquatical and the pedal terrestrial
1992 Heisenberg-stipend of the DFG (German Science Foundation)
1993 Walther-Arndt-Habilitation-Price of the German Zoological Society (DZG)
1993 Call: guest-professor (full-professor, C4) at the University of Zürich, Switzerland
1993 Professor of Biomechanics at the Institute of Sport Science at the F
riedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
1994 Guest-professor at the Institute of Zoology, University of Wiena, Austria
1995 Organization of the dvs-workshop "Biomechanics und motor control"
with Dr. Kirchner
1995 Founder and since then speaker of the innovation college "Motion Systems",
an interdisciplinary research group with ca. 30 scientists (biology, sport,
medicine, engineering)
1996 Co-organizer: Workshop of the German Zoological Society "Biomechanics"
(with Bereiter-Hahn and Nachtigall)
1997 Organizer: Ist International Congress on Motion Systems
1997 One of 5 referees for the evaluation of the Institute of Sportscience at
the TU Munich
1998 Elected and appointed director of the Institute of Sportscience with
currently 750 students and a staff of ca. 30 Head of the search committee
„Sport Medicine C4“
Member of the ethics commission of the Faculty of Social- and
Behavioral Sciences Research visit at the University of California at
Berkeley „Preflex“
1999 First institute of the university being externally evaluated within the valuation
within the association of the universities of Halle, Jena, Leipzig.
2000 Reelection as director of the Institute of Sportscience.
2001 Call: Prof. Biomechanics (suc, van Ingen-Schenau) Vrije Universiteit, 
Amsterdam (rejected)
Organizer: Second International Congress on Motion Systems
Prof. Motions Science, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena
Referee: Evaluation of the IFBK Amsterdam and Nijmegen
2004 - 2005 Head of the search committee „Sport Medicine C4 „Sports and School W3/C4“
2006 - 2008

Vice with currently 1000 students Head of the committee of the institute
of sport science to introduce new European curricula (Bologna) “bachelor
and master in sport science”

2008 - 2011 Director of the Institute of Sportscience, among top 4 german institutes
(CHE-Ranking). The Group of Motion Scienc (including Locomotion Lab –
Dr. Seyfarth) employs about 30 scientists.
2009 Organizer (with Andre Seyfarth): Workshop “Adaptive motion in man,
animals, and machines.” Jena
2013 - 2014 Head of the search committee „Sportpsychologie W3“
2013 - 2014 Head of the search committee „Trainingswissenschaft W3“
2015, 2016 Visiting Professor at Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
2016 - 2018 Seniorprofessor “Motion Science”

Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs und Publikationenpdf, 468 kb