
Auszug aus den Publikationen und organisierten Veranstaltungen des Lehrstuhls für A&O-Psychologie

Weiss, M. & Zacher, H. (2024, in press). Still waters run deep: How employee silence affects instigated workplace incivility over time. Journal of Business Ethics.

Weiss, M. & Zacher, H. (2024). Another trip? Functional and dysfunctional coping with business travel. Journal of Managerial Psychology. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Röllmann, L. F., Weiss, M., & Zacher, H. (2024). Debate and well-being in self-managed groups: the moderating role of divergent status perceptions. Current Psychology, 43(10), 8989-9004.

Weiss, M., Morrison, E.W., Szyld, D. (2023). I like what you're saying but only if I feel safe: Psychological safety moderates the relationship between voice and perceived contribution to healthcare team effectiveness. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1129359.

Weiss, D., Weiss, M., Rudolph, C. W., & Zacher, H. (2022). Tough times at the top: Occupational status predicts changes in job satisfaction in times of crisis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 139, 103804.

Weiss, M. (2022). The critical role of team processes and team reflexivity in the emergence and prevention of racialized police violence. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 15(4), 617-620.

Weiss, M., Weiss, D., & Zacher, H. (2022, in press). All set in stone?. How essentialist beliefs about aging affect older workers’ motivation to continue working beyond retirement age. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43, 1446-1461.

Weiss, M. & Zacher, H. (2022). When and why does voice lead to increased job engagement?. The role of perceived voice appreciation and emotional stability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 132, 103662

Weiss, D. & Weiss, M. (2021). Beyond Chronological Age: Alternative Age Constructs and their Implications in the Work Context. In Zacher, H. & Rudolph, C. (Eds.), Age and Work: Advances in Theory, Methods, and Practice. The SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series. Routledge.

Röllmann, L. F., Weiss, M., & Zacher, H. (2021). Does voice benefit or harm occupational well-being? The role of job insecurity. British Journal of Management, 32, 708-724.

Weiss, D., & Weiss, M. (2019). Why people feel younger: Motivational and social-cognitive mechanisms of the subjective age bias and its implications for work and organizations. Work, Aging and Retirement, 5(4), 273-280.

Weiss, M. & Morrison, E. W. (2019). Speaking up and moving up? How voice affects employees’ social status. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1), 5-19.

Tscholl, D. W., Handschin, L., Rössler, J., Weiss, M., Spahn, D. R., & Nöthiger, C. B. (2019). It’s not you, it’s the design-common problems with patient monitoring reported by anesthesiologists: a mixed qualitative and quantitative study. BMC Anesthesiology, 19(1), 1-10.

Weiss, M., Kolbe, M, Grote, G., Spahn, D., R., & Grande, B. (2018). We can do it! Inclusive leader language promotes voice behavior in multi-professional teams. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(3), 389-402.

Tscholl, D. W., Handschin, L., Neubauer, P., Weiss, M., Seifert, B., Spahn, D. R., ... & Ganter, M. T. (2018). Using an animated patient avatar to improve perception of vital sign information by anaesthesia professionals. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 121(3), 662-671.

Weiss, M., Kolbe, M, Grote, G., Spahn, D., R., & Grande, B. (2017). Why didn’t you say something? Effects of after-event-reviews on voice behavior and hierarchy beliefs in multi-professional action teams. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26, 66-80

Weiss, D. & Weiss, M. (2016). The interplay of subjective social status and essentialist beliefs about aging on cortisol responses to challenge in older adults.  Psychophysiology, 53, 1256-1262.

Tscholl, D. W., Weiss, M., Noethiger, C. & Spahn D. R. (2016). How to conduct multi-method field studies in the operating room: The iPad® combined with a survey application as a valid and reliable data collection tool. JMIR Research Protocols,5(1): e4.

Tscholl, D. W., Weiss, M., Kolbe, M., Staender, S., Seifert, B., Landert, D., … Noethiger, C. B. (2015). An Anesthesia Preinduction Checklist to Improve Information Exchange, Knowledge of Critical Information, Perception of Safety, and Possibly Perception of Teamwork in Anesthesia Teams. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 121, 948–956.

Schick, C., Weiss, M., Marty, A., Dambach, M., Spahn, D. R., Grote, G., Kolbe, M., & Grande, B. (2015). Simulation with PARTS (Phase Augmented Research and Training Scenarios): a structure facilitating focused research and assessment for crisis resource management and team training simulation. Simulation in Healthcare, 10, 178-187.

Weiss, M., Kolbe, M., Grote, G., Dambach, M., Marty, A., Spahn, D., & Grande, B. (2014). Agency and communion predict speaking up in acute care teams. Small Group Research, 45, 290-313.

*Grande, B., Weiss, M., Biro, P., Grote, G., Steiger, P., Spahn, D. R. & Kolbe, M. (2014). Do we have to talk? Technical vs. combined technical(non-technical) airway training in anesthesia and intensive care medicine. [Ist Reden wichtig? Technisches versus kombiniert technisches / nicht-technisches Atemwegstraining in der Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin.] Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, 56, 5-12. *shared first-authorship

Kolbe, M., Weiss, M., Grote, G., Knauth, A., Dambach, M., Spahn, D. R., & Grande, B. (2013). TeamGAINS: A tool for structured debriefings for simulation-based team trainings. BMJ Quality & Safety, 22, 541-553.

Von Hippel, C., Issa [Weiss], M., Ma, R., & Stokes, A. (2011). Stereotype threat: Antecedents and consequences for working women. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41(2),151-161.

Martiny-Hünger, T., Thürmer, J. L., Issa [Weiss], M., & Gollwitzer, P. M. (2011). Über die Unterstützung reflektiver Verhaltensdeterminanten. [On the Support of reflexive Determinants of Behavior]. Psychologische Rundschau, 62, 179-187.