Prof. Dr. Tobias Rothmund

Psychology of Communication and Media Use
Tobias Rothmund, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Prof. Dr. Tobias Rothmund
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
Room 311
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
Office hours:
by arrangement, by e-mail via Ms. Junold
  • Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Tobias Rothmund
    • since 2024: Director at the Center for Right-Wing Extremism Research, Democracy Education and Social Integration (KomRex) at Friedrich Schiller University Jena  
    • 2023 - 2026: Managing Director at the Institute for Communication Science (IfKW) at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • since WiSe 2018: Professor for Psychology of Communication and Media Use at the Institute for Communication Science at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • 2013-2018: Assistant Professor for Political Psychology at the Institute for Communication Psychology and Media Education (IKM) at the University of Koblenz-Landau.
    • WiSe 2014/15 and SoSe 2015 Substitute for the Chair of Psychological Diagnostics, Evaluation and Intervention at the Technical University Darmstadt.
    • WiSe 2011/12 substitution of the professorship for Methodology and Evaluation in Department 8: Psychology at the University of Koblenz-Landau.
    • 2010 PhD in Psychology at the University of Koblenz-Landau (Dr. phil, summa cum laude) Title Suspicious Minds - Differential Effects of Virtual Aggression in Video Games on Trust and Cooperation
    • 2008-2012: Research assistant in the Department of Diagnostics, Differential and Personality Psychology, Methods and Evaluation at the University of Koblenz-Landau.
    • 2006 - 2009: research assistant in the interdisciplinary DFG-project "Reception and Effects of Violent Computer Games" cooperation project of Jun. Prof. Mario Gollwitzer (University of Landau), Prof. Dr. Peter Vorderer (Free University of Amsterdam) and Jun. Prof. Dr. Christoph KlIMM (University of Mainz). Duration 10 / 2006-09 / 2009.
    • 2004 - 2006: Practical work as a certified psychologist at the early intervention center for children with developmental delays and disorders of Lebenshilfe Landshut eV
    • 1997 - 2004: Study of psychology at the University of Trier.
  • Publications

    You find more information about research by Tobias Rothmund on  ResearchgateExternal link and on GScholarExternal link

    • Bojarskich, V., Yucel, M., Hahn, L., & Rothmund, T. (under review). Ideological Differences in Harm-Based Moral Judgments of Toxic Speech. 
    • Grosche, C. & Rothmund, T. (under review). Yesterday, all our troubles seemed so far away: Measuring Nostalgic Deprivation as a Predictor for Radical-Right Support – Empirical Evidence from Germany and the US. 
    • Bojarskich, V., Grosche, C., Ziemer, C.-T., & Rothmund, T. (under review). Solidarity with Ukraine? How fear- and moral-based motivations influence the psychological tug of war in the German public. link
    • Winter, S., Valenzuela, S., Barbosa Santos, M. L., Schreyer, T., Iwertowski, L., & Rothmund, T. (under review). (Don’t) Stop Believing: A Signal Detection Approach to Risk and Protective Factors for Engagement with Politicized (Mis) Information in Social Media.
    • Bromme, L. & Rothmund, T. (under review). Variability and Stability in Political Trust–A Latent State–Trait Analysis. link 
    • Fischer, H., Bojarskich, V., Ziemer, C.-T., Louis, W. & Rothmund, T. (in press). Zone-flooding, public confusion, and Signal Detection Theory: A theoretical framework and registered report. Political Psychology. link




    • Rothmund, T. & Bromme, L. (2022). Politische Psychologie. In A. Schütz, M. Brand, & S. Steins-Löber (Hrsg.) Psychologie: Eine Einführung in ihre Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder (S. 444-454). Kohlhammer. 
    • Pavlović, T., Azevedo, F., De, K., Riaño-Moreno, J. C., Maglić, M., Gkinopoulos, T., ... & Keudel, O. (2022). Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning. PNAS Nexus 1(3). link
    • Rothmund, T. & Ziemer, C.T. (2022). Zur Psychologie der Unterstützung rechtspopulistischer Parteien und Politiker*innen. In A. Beelmann & D. Michelsen. Rechtsextremismus, Demokratiebildung, gesellschaftliche Integration: Interdisziplinäre Debatten und Forschungsbilanzen (S. 103-125). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. 
    • Rothmund, T., Farkhari, F., Ziemer, C. T., & Azevedo, F. (2022). Psychological underpinnings of pandemic denial-patterns of disagreement with scientific experts in the German public during the COVID-19 pandemic.Public Understanding of Science, 31(4), 437-457. link
    • Imhoff, R., Alexopoulos, T., Cichocka, A., Degner, J., Dixon, J., Easterbrook, M. J., ... & Smith, J. (2021). Thoroughly thought through? Experimenting with Registered Reports. European Journal of Social Psychology51(7), 1035-1037. link
    • Van Bavel, J. J., Cichocka, A., Capraro, V., Sjåstad, H., Nezlek, J. B., Pavlović, T., ... & Jørgensen, F. J. (2022). National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic. Nature communications13(1), 1-14. link
    • Bromme, L., Rothmund, T. & Azevedo, F. (2022). Mapping political trust and involvement in the personality space—A meta- analysis and new evidence. Journal of Personality. link




    • Womick, J., Rothmund, T., Azevedo, F., King, L. A., & Jost, J. T. (2019). Group-Based Dominance and Authoritarian Aggression Predict Support for Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10(5), 643-652. link
    • Halmburger, A., Baumert, A., & Rothmund, T. (2019). Seen One, Seen ‘Em All? Do Reports About Law Violations of a Single Politician Impair the Perceived Trustworthiness of Politicians in General and of the Political System? Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 7(1). link.
    • Halmburger, A., Rothmund, T., Baumert, A., & Maier, J. (2018). Trust in Politicians. Understanding and Measuring the Perceived Trustworthiness of Specific Politicians and Politicians in General as Multidimensional Constructs. In E. Bytzek, U. Rosar, & M. Steinbrecher: Wahrnehmung - Persönlichkeit - Einstellungen. Psychologische Theorien und Methoden in der Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-21216-2_8External link
    • Azevedo, F., Jost, J. T., Rothmund, T., & Sterling, J. (2019). Neoliberal ideology and the justification of inequality in capitalist societies: Why social and economic dimensions of ideology are intertwined. Journal of Social Issues 75(1), 49-88. link


    • Stier, S., Bleier, A., Bonart, M., Mörsheim, F., Bohlouli, M., Nizhegorodov, M., Posch, L., Maier, J., Rothmund, T., & Staab, S. (2018). Systematically Monitoring Social Media: The Case of the German Federal Election 2017. GESIS Papers 2018|04.
    • Rothmund, T., Elson, M., Appel, M., Kneer, J., Pfetsch, J., Schneider, F. & Zahn, C. (2018). Does Exposure to Violence in Entertainment Media Make People Aggressive? In E. Sørensen (Ed.), Cultures of Computer Game Concerns. The Child Across Families, Law, Science and Industry (p. 267-282). Bielefeld: transcript. For further information External link
    • Sørensen, E., Elson, M. & Rothmund, T. (2018). Psychology's Multiple Concerns About Research on the Effects of Media Violence. In E. Sørensen (Ed.) Cultures of Computer Game Concerns. The Child Accross Families, La, Science and Industry (p. 283-294). Bielefeld: transcript. For further informationExternal link
    • Rothmund, T., Klimmt, C., & Gollwitzer, M. (2018). Low Temporal Stability of Excessive Video Game Use in German Adolescents. Journal of Media Psychology, 30, 53-65. link
    • Imhoff, R., Smith, J., van Zomeren, M., Amiot, C., Andreouli, E., Bilewicz, M., ... & Vaes, J. (2018). Opening up to openness. European Journal of Social Psychology48(1), 1-3.



    • Bender, J., Rothmund, T., Nauroth, P., & Gollwitzer, M. (2016). How Moral Threat Shapes Laypersons Engagement with Science. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42(12), 1723-1735. link.
    • Yudkin, D., Rothmund, T., Twardawski, M., Thalla, N., & van Bavel, D. (2016). Reflexive intergroup bias in third-party punishment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145, 1448-1459. link
    • Rothmund, T., & Otto, L., (2016). The changing role of media use in political participation. Journal of Media Psychology. 28, 97-99. link
    • Bondü, R., Rothmund, T., & Gollwitzer, M. (2016). Mutual Long-Term Effects of School Bullying, Victimization, and Justice Sensitivity in Adolescents. Journal of Adolescence. 48, 68-72. link
    • Klimmt, C., Sowka, A., Sjöström, A., Ditrich, L., Gollwitzer, M. & Rothmund, T. (2016). Wie Journalisten mit sozialwissenschaftlicher Evidenz umgehen: Erkenntnisse aus einem Workshop. In G. Ruhrmann, S. H. Kessler & L. Guenther (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftskommunikation zwischen Risiko und (Un-)Sicherheit (S. 75-90). Köln: Halem. Für mehr InformationenExternal link
    • Rothmund, T., Becker, J., & Jost, J. T. (2016). The Psychology of Social Justice in Political Thought and Action. In M. Schmitt & C. Sabbagh. In C. Sabbagh & M. Schmitt. Handbook of Social Justice Theory and Research (p. 275-293).Springer: New York. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-3216-0External link



    • Maier, M., Rothmund, T., Retzbach, A., Otto, L., & Besley, J. (2014). Informal Learning Through Science Media Usage. Educational Psychologist., 49(2), 86-103, link
    • Nauroth, P., Gollwitzer, M., Bender, J., & Rothmund, T. (2014). Gamers against Science. The Case of the Violent Video Games Debate. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44(2), 104-116, link
    • Gollwitzer, M., Rothmund, T., Klimmt, C., Nauroth, J., & Bender, J. (2014). Gründe und Konsequenzen einer verzerrten Darstellung und Wahrnehmung sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschungsbefunde: Das Beispiel der Killerspiele-Debatte. In: R. Bromme & M. Prenzel (Hrsg.) Von der Forschung zur evidenzbasierten Entscheidung: Die Darstellung und das öffentliche Verständnis der empirischen Bildungsforschung. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 17(4), 101-117. Wiesbaden: VS Springer. Für mehr InformationenExternal link
    • Rothmund, T., Baumert, A., & Zinkernagel, A. (2014). The German "Wutbürger" - How Justice Sensitivity Accounts for Individual Differences in Political Engagement. Social Justice Research. 27(1), 24-44, link
    • Nauroth, P., Bender, J., Rothmund, T., & Gollwitzer, M. (2014). Die "Killerspiel"-Diskussion. Wie die Forschung zur Wirkung gewalthaltiger Medien in der Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen wird. In T. Porsch & S. Pieschl (Hrsg.), Neue Medien und deren Schatten. Mediennutzung, Medienwirkung und Medienkompetenz. Hogrefe. Für mehr InformationenExternal link
    • Rothmund, T., & Baumert, A. (2014). Shame on Me - Implicit Assessment of Negative Moral Self-Evaluation in Shame-Proneness. Social Psychological & Personality Science. 5(2), 195-202, link


    • Rothmund, T. & Imhoff, R. (2013). Politische Psychologie - Politisches Handeln verstehen und gestalten. Editorial für das Special Issue "Politische Psychologie" im Onlinemagazin "The Inquisite Mind". In-Mind, 9/2013, link
    • Bender, J., Rothmund, T., & Gollwitzer, M., (2013). Biased Estimation of Violent Video Games Effects on Aggression: Contributing Factors and Boundary Conditions. Societies, 3, 383-398.
    • Schmitt, M., Gollwitzer, M., Baumert, A., Blum, G., Gschwendner, T., Hofmann, W., & Rothmund, T. (2013). Proposal of a Nonlinear Interaction of Person and Situation (NIPS) model. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:499.
    • Gollwitzer, M., Rothmund, T., & Süßenbach, P. (2013). The Sensitivity to Mean Intentions (SeMI) Model: Basic Assumptions, Recent Findings, and Potential Avenues for Future Research. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7, 415-426.
    • Sjöström, A., Sowka, A., Gollwitzer, M., Klimmt, C., & Rothmund, T. (2013). Exploring Audience Judgments of Social Science in Media Discourse: The Case of the Violent Video Games Debate. Journal of Media Psychology, 25(1), 27-38.
    • Baumert, A., Rothmund, T., Thomas, N., Gollwitzer, M. & Schmitt, M. (2013). Justice as a moral motive - Belief in a just world and justice sensitivity as potential indicators of the justice motive. In K. Heinrichs, F. Oser & T. Lovat (Eds.) Handbook of Moral Motivation: Theories,  Models,  Applications (p. 159-179). Sense Publishers.
    • Rothmund, T., Gollwitzer, M., Baumert, A, & Schmitt, M. (2013). The Psychological Functions of Justice in Mass Media. In R. Tamborini (Ed.), Media and the Moral Mind (p. 170-197). Routledge.


    • Halmburger, A., Rothmund, T., Schulte, M., & Baumert, A. (2012). Psychological Reactions to Political Scandals: Effects on Emotions, Trust and the Need for Punishment. Politsche Pychologie - Journal of Political Psychology, 12-02, 30-51.
    • Rothmund, T., Baumert, A., & Schmitt, M. (2012). Can Network Models Represent Personality Structures and Processes Better than Trait Models Do? European Journal of Personality, 26, 444-445.
    • Gollwitzer, M., Rothmund, T., Alt, B., & Jekel, M. (2012). Victim Sensitivity and the Accuracy of Social Judgment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(8), 975-984.
    • Rothmund, T. & Gollwitzer, M. (2012). Digitale Spiele und prosoziales Verhalten. In L. Reinecke & S. Trepte (Hrsg.), Unterhaltung in Neuen Medien (S. 326-343). Köln: Halem.


    • Rothmund, T., Mojzisch, A., & Schulz-Hardt, S. (2011). Effects of Consensus Information and Task Demonstrability on Preference-Consistent Information Evaluation and Decision Quality in Group Decision Making. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 33(4), 382-390.
    • Hefner, D., Rothmund, T., Gollwitzer, M., & Klimmt, C. (2011). Implicit Measures and Media Effects Research: Challenges and Opportunities.Communication Methods and Measures, 5(3), 181-202.
    • Gollwitzer, M. & Rothmund, T. (2011). What Exactly Are Victim-Sensitive Persons Sensitive To? Journal of Research in Personality, 45(5), 448455.
    • Rothmund, T., Gollwitzer, M. & Klimmt, C. (2011). Of Virtual Victims and Victimized Virtues: Differential Effects of Experienced Aggression in Video Games on Social Cooperation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(1), 107-119.


    • Gollwitzer, M., Rothmund, T., & Sjöström, A. (2010). Psychologische Forschung zur Wirkung gewalthaltiger Videospiele. Ein Überblick. In-Mind, 4/2010,
    • Rothmund, T. & KlIMM, C. (2010). Fighting and killing in computer games: results of media impact research and implications for violence prevention. In H. Lange & T. Leffler (ed.), Learning to  fight as an opportunity to prevent violence. Interdisciplinary analyzes on the problems of violence and the preventive ways of learning to fight  (pp. 77-92). Würzburg: Sports Media.
    • Rothmund, T. (2010). Suspicious Minds - Differential Effects of Virtual Aggression in Video Games on Trust and Cooperation. Dissertation, University of Koblenz-Landau.


    • Gollwitzer, M., Rothmund, T., Pfeiffer, A. & Ensenbach, C. (2009). Why and When Justice Sensitivity Leads to Pro and Antisocial Behavior. Journal of Research in Personality, 43 (6), 999-1005.
    • Schmitt, M., Baumert, A., Fetchenhauer, D., Gollwitzer, M., Rothmund, R. & Schlösser, T. (2009). Injustice sensitivity. Psychological Review, 60 (1), 8-22.
    • Gollwitzer, M. & Rothmund, T. (2009). When the need to trust results in unethical behavior: The Sensitivity to Mean Intentions (SeMI) model. In D. De Cremer (Ed.), Psychological perspectives on unethical behavior and decision making (pp. 135-152). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
    • Schmitt, M., Gollwitzer, M., Baumert, A., Gschwendner, T., Hofmann, W. & Rothmund, T. (2008). Traits as Situational Sensitivities: Psychometric and substantive comments on the TASS Model proposed by Marshall and Brown (2006). (Reports from the Working Group on Responsibility, Justice, Morality No. 170). Trier: University of Trier, Department I Psychology.
  • Scientific Associations and Reviewing

    Editor at scientific journals

    Reviewer & Preparation of ad-hoc reports

    • German Research Foundation (DFG)
    • Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
    • Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    • Psychological Science
    • Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
    • Personality and Individual Differences
    • Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
    • Social Justice Research
    • European Journal of Personality
    • European Journal of Personality Assessment
    • Aggressive behavior
    • Journal of Communication
    • Journal of Media Psychology
    • ...

    Member of professional societies and associations

    • Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
    • European Association of Social Psychology (EASP)
    • International Communication Association (ICA)
    • International Society for Justice Research (ISJR)
    • International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP)
    • German Psychological Society (DGPs)