Flavio Azevedo

  • Short Bio

    I am interested in politico-psychological and comparative approaches investigating dispositional and situational processes underlying ideological subscription. Having a penchant for psychometrics and random-effects models, I use these to evaluate current practices in the measurement of ideology. Open, cumulative and collaborative science enthusiast using  #RstatsExternal link  and  #datavizExternal link .

  • Curriculum vitae Flavio Azevedo

    Academic positions

    • Since 04/2019: Research and teaching assistant at the Department of Communication and Media Psychology at the Institute for Communication Science at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • 2018/19: Fulbright Fellow by the Center for Social and Political Behavior at New York University, New York, United States
    • 2015-19: CGS Research Fellow (Ph.D.) by the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics, Cologne Graduate School (CGS), Cologne, Germany

    Research visits

    • Dec-2016 / Jan-2017: Visiting Researcher by Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam - Department of Experimental and Applied psychology
    • Oct-2015 / Jun-2016: Visiting Researcher by Sciences Po, CEVIPOF, Paris, France


    • 2015: Ph.D. candidate in Political Science [Comparative Politics & Political Psychology] by Cologne University, Cologne, Germany
    • 2012: MSc. in Statistics by Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
    • 2012-2014: MSc. in Political Science by Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
    • 2012-2014: MSc. in Social Psychology by Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
    • 2011-2012: PgD. in Human Rights & Discrimination by Geneva University, Geneva, Switzerland
    • 2008-2011: BSc. in Psychology by Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 2010-11; Institut de Psychologie, Paris Descartes, Paris, France, 2009-10; Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2008-09
  • Publications


    • Azevedo, F., Jost, JT, Rothmund, T., & Sterling, J. (2019). Neoliberal ideology and the justification of inequality in capitalist societies: Why social and economic dimensions of ideology are intertwined. Journal of Social Issues .
    • Azevedo, F., Jost, J., Rothmund, T. (2017). "Making America Great Again": System Justification in the US Presidential Election of 2016.  Translational Issues in Psychological Science .
    • Breznau, N., Rinke, EM, Wuttke, A., Azevedo, F., ... & Balzer, D. (2019). The Crowdsourced Replication Initiative: Investigating Immigration and Social Policy Preferences. Executive report.
    • Jost, J., Langer, M., Badaan, V., Azevedo, F. (2017). Ideology and The Limits of Self-Interest: System Justification Motivation and Conservative Advantages in Mass Politics. (2016)  Translational Issues in Psychological Science .
    • Van Hauwaert, S., Schimpf, CH, and Azevedo, F. (2018). Public opinion surveys: evaluating existing measures. In  The Ideational Approach to Populism  (pp. 154-172). Routledge.
    • Van Hauwaert, S., Schimpf, CH, and Azevedo, F. (2017). The individual level measurement of populism in Europe and the Americas: Insights from IRT as a scale development technique. 
    • Ruggeri, K., Azevedo, F., Knight, S. McDermott, Piest, J. (2012). Divided Education: Analyzing systemic segregation in Bosnian schools. Journal of East European and Asian Studies , 2 (1), 49-65.
    • Ruggeri, K., Azevedo, F., Knight, S. (2011). Attitudes towards the other in segregated and integrated schools. Psychology of Education Review , 35, 24-25.

    Under Review:

    • Rothmund, T., Bromme, L., Azevedo, F .: Justice for the people? How justice concerns can foster and impair support for populist radical right parties and politicians in the US and in Germany.
    • van der Linden, S., Panagopoulos, C., Azevedo, F., Jost, J .: The Paranoid Style Revisited: Evidence of an Ideological Asymmetry in Conspiratorial Thinking.
    • van Hauwaert, S., Schimpf, C., Azevedo, F .: Measuring populist attitudes across Europe: Scale development and scale refinement using IRT. Journal of Politics.
  • Teaching courses

    Summer term 2019: Module Intergroup Communication (KW-WP-IK) Part 1 and 2

    New York University Dec 2016
    Graduate Level
    Introduction to R and Reproducible Research

    Kent University Dec 2016
    Graduate Level
     Introduction to R, School of Psychology

    Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam (UVA) Sept 2014 - Nov 2016
    Graduate Level
     Introduction to R & Statistics, Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology
    Leiden University Sept 2014 - Jun 2015

    Leiden University Sept 2014 - Jun 2015
    Graduate Level
    Advanced Statistics, Science Faculty
    Research Skills, Bio ‐ Pharmaceutical Sciences

    Forensic Statistics, Mathematical Institute
    Undergraduate Level
     Statistics 1, Bio ‐ Pharmaceutical Sciences
     Statistics 2, Bio ‐ Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Work and research focuses
    • Political Psychology
    • Ideology
    • Methodology & Statistics
    • Populism
    • Voting behavior
    • Comparative Politics
    • Survey Methods
    • Public opinion
  • Academic 'Social Media'