Strategic Communication

Communication Science with a Focus on Strategic Communication

Prof. Irina Lock
Strategic Communication
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Prof. Dr. Irina Lock

In the Strategic Communication research group, we conduct empirical, conceptual, and methodological research ath the interface of politics, business, and society. We analyse public (e. g. ministries, universities) and private organisations (e. g. companies, non-governmental organisations) and their - digital - communication from a strategic communication perspective.

Our aim is to understand the contents and processes of strategic communication, as well as organisations´motivations. Thus, we use theories from communication science and apply them to current developments with the help of quantitative methods such as (automated) content analysis, experiments, or qualitative studies.

The research area at IfKW combines strategic and political communication: through the topic of public affairs, with a focus on the role of organisations in digital issue arenas, and through an ethical perspective on strategic communication and sustainability.

In teaching, we reflect on the business-politics-society interface and take a broad perspective to question the influence of organisations on public debates and political processes.