
Final theses

Image: albertogp123/flickr

When planning your individual arrangements, registration and admission, please take into account the semester datesExternal link, especially the lecture-free periods. Please inform yourself in good time about the examination dates and formalities.

General information on the preparation of theses

Preparation of the registration of a thesis:

  • View the topics on the website of the IfKW working groups (see below).
  • Contact with a possible supervisor (clarification of the basic possibility of supervising a thesis and specification of a topic).
  • Preparation of an exposé. Please note the following information on preparing an exposé: Guidelines for the preparation of an exposé for an academic thesispdf, 229 kb · de
  • Registration of the thesis with the ASPA. Please note that the supervisor may request changes to the exposé prior to registration.

Bachelor thesis

  • The topics are usually formulated in general terms and need to be specified in consultation with the supervisor (professors or doctoral staff). Please arrange a consultation with the intended first supervisor.
  • You can propose your own topics. However, these must be assessed for their feasibility.
  • Several theses can be located in the same subject area if the specific questions are sufficiently different.
  • As a rule, the Bachelor's thesis is based on a literature study. If you are planning to integrate your own empirical study into your Bachelor's thesis, you should make sure that your knowledge of data collection and evaluation methods is sufficient for this.
  • Before choosing your topic, please get an overview of the literature and the current state of research on one or more topics that interest you. Only then will you be able to assess the need for research yourself, be aware of possible potentials and difficulties and be able to contribute to the concretization of the research question.
  • Please note the guidelines for the formal design of seminar papers and theses.

Presentation slides for the Bachelor thesis information event

Topics offered by the four areas

  1. Kommunikationswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Empirische Methoden der Kommunikationswissenschaft de
  2. Kommunikations- und Medienpsychologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Netzöffentlichkeit und Social Media  de
  3. Kommunikationswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Digitalisierung und Öffentlichkeit de
  4. Kommunikationswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Strategische Kommunikation  de

Master thesis

  • The topics listed for the Bachelor's theses in the four teaching areas also provide orientation for a possible topic for the Master's thesis.
  • Please arrange an appointment with your intended first supervisor well in advance to discuss the specific topic.
  • Please note the guidelines External linkfor the formal design of seminar papers and theses.