

  1. Brachat, Stefan, Dr General and Theoretical Sociology
  2. Christel, Sarah General and Theoretical Sociology
  3. Gros, Alexis, Dr General and Theoretical Sociology
  4. Katzer, Henrike General and Theoretical Sociology
  5. Künzel, Laura General and Theoretical Sociology
  6. Lindner, Diana, Dr General and Theoretical Sociology
  7. Lorenz, Stephan, apl. Prof. Dr General and Theoretical Sociology
  8. Nell, Charlotte General and Theoretical Sociology
  9. Oberthür, Jörg, Dr General and Theoretical Sociology
  10. Riedl, Magdalena General and Theoretical Sociology
  11. Rosa, Hartmut, Univ.-Prof. Dr General and Theoretical Sociology
  12. Schulz, Peter, Dr General and Theoretical Sociology
  13. Schwarz, Leo Rufus General and Theoretical Sociology
  14. Sevignani, Sebastian, Dr General and Theoretical Sociology
  15. Tziminadis, João Lucas General and Theoretical Sociology
  16. Wagner, Jennifer General and Theoretical Sociology

Assistants and lecturers

Research assistants and student assistants

Name Telephone E-Mail
Chollet, Mariam


Name Telephone E-Mail
Eibisch, Jonathan 9-45510  
Hofer, Heinrich 9-45510  
Kumai, Shion 9-45510  



Prof. Dr. Giegel hatte die Professur bis zum Jahr 2005 inne. Herr Giegel ist erreichbar über das Sekretariat des Arbeitsbereichs (Jennifer Wagner) de.

Further contents at the Department of General and Theoretical Sociology