A Warm Welcome!
Globalization, digitalization, precarisation as well as dynamics of capitalist appropriation of land are topics of the field of sociology of work, industry and economics. We deal with upheavals in the world of work and economic changes. The activities include empirical research projects with practice-relevant questions on current social problems as well as their embedding in more general discussions of theoretical concepts and social analyses.
The main research areas at our research unit are: 1) flexible and precarious work/employment; 2) digitalisation of work and social reproduction; 3) labour policy, labour relations, and labour conflicts; 4) work environments in North-South comparison; 5) Cross-Sectional Field 1: theory of capitalism and social transformation; 6) Cross-Sectional Field 2: class theory and class analysis; and 7) Cross-Sectional Field 3: right-wing extremism and right-wing populism in the world of work. The broad scope of our research is also reflected in our teaching.
On the following pages we would like to give you an insight into our research. You will also find information on publications and editorships, on our regular and special events and activities, on the courses we offer, and on the people involved.
If you have further questions, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Gruppenbild AB Dörre 2018
Image: Manfred Füchtenkötter