Jerry cans with glyphosate standing on a field

Pesticide exposure and social-ecological Inequalities

Project funded by ProChance, a funding scheme for improving career prospects of young female researchers
Jerry cans with glyphosate standing on a field

Pesticide exposure and social-ecological Inequalities

The research project investigates pesticide exposure as an indicator for socio-ecological inequalities along the transnational commodity chain of soybean from an environmental justice perspective. Grounded in sociological research on social inequality, the project seeks to analyse the exposure of different social groups towards pesticides (especially glyphosate) in Germany and Argentina and relates them with societal debates surrounding the approval, regulation and monitoring of glyphosate use.

Research questions:

  • What knowledge is considered within the discussion about the effects of glyphosate? What impulses do state authorities in Germany and Argentina react to and what kind of action is undertaken to identify, monitor and limit the actual glyphosate exposure and its potential impacts?
  • What kinds of exposure and vulnerability of social groups along the commodity chain of soybean are documented? What possibilities do these different groups have to avoid exposure and what means do they possess to defend themselves against it?

The project is funded by the program ProChancecareer , a funding scheme for improving career prospects of young female researchers.

Funding period:

May 2021 until May 2022

Project Staff:

Dr. Anne Tittor de (Principal Investigator)

Ronja Wacker, M.A.

Events & Lectures

Sozial-ökologische Ungleichheiten am Beispiel der Pestizidbelastung. Befunde aus den USA, Argentinien und Deutschland

Presentation by Anne Tittor & Ronja Wacker (in German)

Date: Feb. 3rd, 2022
Time: 10:00 –12:00 a.m.

As past of the colloquium of the junior research group flumenExternal link.

Participation via zoom: link
Meeting-ID: 645 1786 8925
Passcode: 336214

Globale, sozial-ökologische Ungleichheiten und Umweltgerechtigkeit

Presentation by Anne Tittor

Date: Nov. 23rd, 2021

As part of the Public Climate School, FSU Jena

Workshop „Global Glyphosate: New Challenges in Regulating Pervasive Chemicals in the Anthropocene“,

Workshop participation by Anne Tittor and Ronja Wacker 

Date: Nov. 11th –12th, 2021

Organized by the University of Buffalo, US

Lecture on global Inequality

by Anne Tittor (online)

Date: May, 26th, 2021

At the Department „Globale Soziologie und Entwicklungsforschung“ of the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) on social-ecological inequality using the example of pesticide exposure