Our Bachelor’s in Sociology provides students with the main theories and basic fields of knowledge in Sociological Theory, Economic Sociology, the Sociology of Work and Organizations, Labor Market and Social Policy Analysis, Research in Education and Socialization, the Sociology of Families, Genders and Youth, Social Structural Analysis and the methods of Empirical Social Research.
There are no entry requirements for the basic course in Sociology, and Sociology can be studied at Friedrich Schiller University Jena as either a core subject (120 credits) or a supplementary subject (60 credits).
As both a core subject and a supplementary subject, Sociology can be studied in combination with all other subjects offered for combination at FSU. Recommended combinations include Education Studies, Communication Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology and Economics.
When taken as a core subject, special emphasis is placed on acquiring knowledge and skills in the methods of Quantitative and Qualitative Empirical Social Research as well as in Statistics and Information Technologies.
What you will learn…
When you take a course in Sociology you will learn to analyze societies in an academic way, the main concern here being how societies ‘work’ and how they change over time - and why they do so. In the course of this, you will engage critically with the emergence of social order and the norms, values and institutions on which this is based. In the first few semesters you will gain familiarity with the foundational theories and conceptual approaches of Sociology. You will also engage critically with key sociological issues such as: Are we living in a society based on acceleration, and just what does that mean? Why do workers work? How much state governance does a society need? What characterizes the nuclear family?
Alongside an introduction to the techniques of academic study you will learn skills such as conveying knowledge in a way that is generally understandable, presenting your own opinions in a self-confident manner, and designing study projects either on your own or as part of a team.
On the Bachelor’s course, learning about and applying quantitative and qualitative social scientific methods as well as statistics are central to Sociology as a core subject.
Studying for a Bachelor’s in Sociology at Jena means that, during the second half of your degree course with Sociology as your core subject, you are given the opportunity to apply and experiment, in a practical setting, with the knowledge and skills you have acquired during the first few semesters. You do this as part of a supervised research project lasting two semesters and an internship lasting (at least) six weeks.
During the latter semesters of your course you will have an opportunity to focus on a study area of your choice – for example, in Economic Sociology, the Sociology of Work and Organizations, Research on Families and Socialization, Social Structural Analysis or Post-Growth and Sustainability Research – by choosing which lectures and seminars you attend. -
Course regulations, lists of modules, sample study schedules and course information sheets
BA Sociology (core subject) [pdf 1MB]External link, entry in the FSU courses database External link
BA Sociology (supplementary subject) [pdf 2MB]External link, entry in the FSU courses databaseExternal link
The standard period of study for a BA degree is 6 semesters.
For all other information:
- List of modules for Sociology as core subjectExternal link
- List of modules for Sociology as supplementary subjectExternal link
- Sample study schedule for core subjectExternal link
- Sample study schedule for supplementary subjectExternal link
- Course regulationsExternal link
- Examination regulations of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesExternal link