This FAQ presents an overview of typical questions that the consultation office receives from students. Most of the relevant information for all degrees can be found within their respective degree regulations de. We advise you to read them carefully and use them to answer your questions. Should further questions arise, we are happy to help. The current addresses for individual consultations can be found here de.
- Questions before taking up your studies and how to apply for a B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree
- General questions
- Specific questions regarding the B.Sc.
- Specific questions regarding the M.Sc.
- Questions regarding a change of university or the placement into an advanced semester
- Specific questions regarding the B.A.
- Questions concerning the expiring Diploma degree programme
Questions before taking up your studies and how to apply for a B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree
You can get comprehensive information on our Psychology degrees at the University of Jena (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Master of Science) during the University's Open DayExternal link.
I want to apply for Psychology (undergraduate studies, Bachelor of Science). What requirements do I have to meet and how do I proceed?
The Studierenden-Service-Zentrum (Service Center for Students; SSZ) offers information on the application process for the B.Sc. degree. Admission requirements for the degree in Psychology (B.Sc.) are to be found in the degree regulations de. In order to be admitted to this degree, you will have to meet the following requirements (see also §2 of the degree regulations):
§ 2 Studienvoraussetzungen
"(1) Notwendige Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zum Studium ist die allgemeine (oder fachgebundene) Hochschulreife oder ein von der zuständigen staatlichen Stelle als gleichwertig anerkanntes Zeugnis.
(2) Ein besonders guter Kenntnisstand ist erwünscht in Mathematik, Biologie, Deutsch und in Englisch."
I want to apply for Psychology (postgraduate studies, Master of Science). What requirements do I have to meet and how do I proceed?
- Information on how to apply for the M.Sc. degree in psychology can be found on the website of the Master-Service-ZentrumsExternal link (Service Center for Postgraduates).
- Admission requirements for the M.Sc. degree can be found in the degree regulations de.
- You can only start your M.Sc. during the winter term. Deadline for applications is May 31 of the year you plan to start your studies. Eligible students have to meet the following requirements (see also §4 of the degree regulations for the M.Sc. degree in psychology):
§ 4 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
"(1) Zum Masterstudiengang Psychologie kann zugelassen werden, wer einen ersten Hochschulabschluss in einem mindestens dreijährigen Studiengang im Fach Psychologie mit dem Abschluss Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) oder einem vergleichbaren berufsqualifizierenden Abschluss nachweisen kann sowie die besondere Eignung gemäß Abs. 2 erfüllt.
(2) Für die Zulassung zum Studium ist die eine besondere, qualitative Eignung nachzuweisen:
a) Grundvoraussetzungen sind sehr gute Psychologiekenntnisse, die durch die in einem fachlich einschlägigen vorangegangenen Studium erbrachten Prüfungsleistungen nachzuweisen sind. Inhaltlich sollen die Psychologiekenntnisse den von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie entwickelten Standards für B.Sc.-Psychologie-Studiengänge entsprechen. Bei Abschlüssen, die außerhalb des Geltungsbereichs des Grundgesetzes erbracht wurden, erfolgt eine Gleichwertigkeitsprüfung unter Beachtung von Äquivalenzvereinbarungen sowie Absprachen im Rahmen von Hochschulpartnerschaften. Diese sind nachzuweisen durch:
a. Prüfungsleistung in Methodenlehre oder Statistik,
b. Prüfungsleistung in psychologischer Diagnostik,
c. Prüfungsleistungen in zumindest vier der Grundlagenfächer Allgemeine Psychologie, Biologische Psychologie, Entwicklungspsychologie, Sozialpsychologie und/oder Differentielle und Persönlichkeitspsychologie,
d. Prüfungsleistungen in zwei Anwendungsfächern (z.B. Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, Klinische Psychologie, Pädagogische Psychologie)
b) Ausländische Studienbewerber/innen müssen vor der Immatrikulation die "Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber" - Stufe DSH 2 - ablegen und bestehen.d) über die Anerkennung alternativer Sprachnachweise entscheidet jeweils die Auswahlkommission
c) Bei Schwerpunkten die ganz oder überwiegend in Englisch unterrichtet werden, kann auf die deutsche Sprachprüfung verzichtet werden. Studienbewerber/innen für diese Schwerpunkte müssen vor der Immatrikulation einen Nachweis guter Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch erbringen. Dieser Nachweis kann entweder über
a. die für die Hochschulzugangsberechtigung relevanten Schulleistungen, oder
b. den Nachweis von Kenntnissen nach Level C1 gemäß Europäischem Referenzrahmen (Common European Framework of Reference) mittels eines international anerkannten Zertifikates, oder
c. den Nachweis eines erfolgreich abgelegten Toefl-Tests mit einem Mindestergebnis von 560 Punkten erfolgen.
d) über die Anerkennung alternativer Sprachnachweise entscheidet jeweils die Auswahlkommission"
- You will have to hand in the following documents (see also §5 of the degree regulations for the M.Sc. degree in psychology):
§ 5 Zulassungsantrag
"Dem Zulassungsantrag sind - bei Zeugnissen und Nachweisen in beglaubigter Kopie - folgende Unterlagen beizufügen:
a) Nachweis des ersten berufsqualifizierenden Hochschulabschlusses gemäß § 4 Abs. 1 oder des zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung erfolgreichen Erwerbs von mindestens 135 benoteten Leistungspunkten. Im letzteren Fall erfolgt eine Zulassung vorbehaltlich des Nachweises des erfolgreichen Hochschulabschlusses bei Immatrikulation;
b) Nachweis der Sprachkenntnisse gemäß § 4 Abs. 2 Buchstabe b und c;
c) eine Erklärung, für welchen Schwerpunkt gemäß § 2 Abs. 1 die Zulassung zum Masterstudiengang Psychologie beantragt wird, wobei Mehrfachnennungen unter der Angabe einer Präferenzreihung zulässig sind."
What is the Numerus Clausus (NC, admission limit) for psychology in Jena?
The NC which has been applied over the last years is published on the website of the Studierenden-Service-Zentrum.
Which areas of Psychology can I study/focus on during my Master's degree?
We offer three different focuses in which you can obtain an M.Sc. in Psychology:
- The Focus of Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience (Schwerpunkt Kognitive Psychologie und kognitive Neurowissenschaften) helps you further your knowledge and methodological skills in the innovative and interdisciplinary field of cognitive neurosciences. As this focus is mainly research-oriented, it does not only provide experiment-based approaches but also gives you insight into the modern methods of neuroscience. At the same time, new fields of application such as ergonomics are incorporated. Most of the classes will be taught in English.
- Focus of Psychology in Employment, Education and Society (Schwerpunkt Psychologie in Arbeit, Bildung und Gesellschaft): This focus attends to experience and acting in social, institutional and organizational contexts. The imparted qualification relates to human behaviour in or between groups in industry, educational or other non-profit-institutions.
- Focus of Abnormal Psychology, Psychotherapy and Health (Schwerpunkt Klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Gesundheit): This focus offers you a sound scientific basis to deal with a wide range of problems you might encounter in the line of clinical psychological work (counselling, therapy, rehabilitation, prevention). Paradigms, methods and results from bio-psycho-social research will be discussed in regard to their relevance for practical application in different fields.
What are the Studieneinführungstage (STET)? What should I expect?
Before you start studying at the University of Jena, you can take part in the Studieneinführungstage (STET), a number of days meant for orientation around campus. They usually take place one week before the semester starts. The STET last for three days. Not only will you get information on the programme you are in, but you will also get help when it comes to choosing your timetable. The STET will also provide you with a lot of other, more general information that you might find useful at the start of your life as a student at the University of Jena. In addition, you will get the chance to meet many of your fellow students as well as students from higher semesters. The STET are organised by student/peer mentors. They will be the ones who will take care of you during the STET and who will also organise your STET schedule. Dates and schedules of the STET can be found on the website of the Fachschaft Psychologie. de
I have been admitted to the programme through the succession procedure (Nachrückverfahren/wait-listed). [This means that during the initial round of the admission procedure you did not get accepted. However, at a later date you got admitted to the programme because at a later stage of the admission procedure (i.e., during the succession procedure/Nachrückverfahren), additional openings became available.] What do I need to consider? Who can I contact?
Even after the STET you can always contact your peer mentors if you have any questions, especially when it comes to questions concerning the start of your new studies. Additionally, the University of Jena offers individual, face-to-face consultations in organisational matters.
E-Mail: studienberatung-psychologie@uni-jena.de
Can I take all the courses of the Master's degree in English?
Right now it is not possible to offer all courses of the Master's degree in English.
General questions
I would like to apply for a semester of leave. What do I have to consider?
Semesters of leave are only approved under certain circumstances. The respective examination regulations regulate valid reasons for semesters of leave. The student service center decides on the leave of absence upon application by the student.
§ 3 Regelstudienzeit
"(4) Folgende Zeiten werden, wenn eine Beurlaubung seitens des zuständigen Dezernats der Universität nicht erfolgt ist, anteilig nicht auf die Regelstudienzeit angerechnet:
- Zeiten des Mutterschutzes und der Gewährung von Elternzeit,
- Zeiten des Wehrdienstes und des Zivildienstes,
- Zeiten eines Auslandsstudiums bis zu zwei Semestern,
- Zeiten, während deren der Studierende wegen längerer, durch ärztliches Attest nachgewiesener schwerer Krankheit am Studium gehindert war,
- Zeiten, während deren der Studierende als gewähltes Mitglied in gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Gremien oder satzungsmäßigen Organen der Universität tätig war.
Insbesondere ist es also nicht möglich, sich für ein Praktikum beurlauben zu lassen, da die Praktikumszeit bereits Teil der Regelstudienzeit ist. Darüberhinausgehende längere Praktika sind nicht Teil des Studiums und rechtfertigen keine Beurlaubung."
I am having difficulties with Friedolin. Who can I contact about it?
There is no-one to contact directly at the Department of Psychology in case Friedolin does not work correctly. If problems or questions arise in the course of signing up for a specific seminar (or getting accepted to one), you should contact the person responsible for the seminar.
While signing up for courses, please make sure to read the instructions and feedback given to you by Friedolin very carefully. This way you can avoid further problems when it comes to signing up for exams later on in the semester.
I would like to register a free attempt. What do I have to consider?
Free attempts are regulated by the respective examination regulations under § 16.
In general:
- In the bachelor’s program, a total of 4 free attempts are available for all matriculants before WS 18/19 and 5 free attempts for all matriculants starting from WS 18/19. In the master’s program 2 free attempts are available. Specific information regarding the use of these free attempts can be found in the examination regulations.
- The free attempt must be applied for at the examination office within 15 working days (after the failed examination) or within 5 working days (to improve one’s grade after a passed examination) after the announcement of the examination results.
- A free attempt cannot be registered for a repeated examination.
- A free attempt cannot be registered if the examination is taken at a later time than scheduled in the module plan
I possess a certificate of a public health officer (Amtsarzt). What happens now?
The current regulations applying to such certificates can be found on the website of the examination office.
Specific questions regarding the B.Sc.
What subjects are allowed as non-psychology electives as part of the bachelor's degree?
Previously accepted non-psychological elective courses are listed in the module catalog. In principle, it is possible to select alternate courses offered by other institutes. Recognition as non-psychological must be applied for at the chair of the examination board. The following must be considered:
- The achievement must be proven in the form of 10 graded credit points (previous B.Sc.). In the new polyvalent B.Sc. only 6 credit points have to be achieved.
- The attended courses should be thematically related and should not overlap the contents of the psychology program.
- Any arrangements for examination credits must be made with the responsible lecturer in the respective department.
- Further information can be obtained from the person responsible for the chosen module or course.
How do I register for an exam in a non-psychology elective?
Many minors have already been entered into Friedolin, which is why corresponding exams can also be registered there. Otherwise, exam registration for non-psychology electives is done in correspondence with the examination office after providing the relevant exam data for the exam protocol. The non-psychological elective must be applied for within the official examination period or 14 days before the date of the exam at the latest and approved by the chair of the examination board. Approval after the exam has been taken is not permitted.
Where can I find information regarding the mandatory internship in the B.Sc. program?
The basis for the framework of the internship can be found in the current study and examination regulations de. Information about the internship is published by the examination office.
This includes:
- information regarding the duration of the internship
- requirements for the supervision for the approval of internships
- people responsible for internships at the respective chairs as well as their areas of responsibility
- requirements for the internship report
Important notes for recognition:
- An application for recognition is only required if no previous internships have been completed at the chosen establishment that have been recognized by the institute’s examination committee chair.
- Research internships are generally not recognized in the B.Sc. as satisfying the mandatory internship requirement.
- The application for recognition should always be made before the internship begins, due to the fact that rejection of the application is a possibility.
- Applications for the recognition of an internship should be addressed to the psychology examination office.
Important: In the new polyvalent bachelor’s degree, a clinical internship is required if one wishes to complete the psychotherapy master’s. A non-clinical internship is also possible, but it will prevent admission to the psychotherapy master’s program.
What is the internship colloquium?
The internship colloquium is an event for exchanging internship experiences. It is for all students who will be completing an internship in the future. Questions can be asked and contacts can be made. Further information and current dates can be found in the module catalog as well as in the current course catalog.
Important: This only applies to students taking part in the old bachelor’s program. Students of the new polyvalent bachelor’s on the other hand do not have to take part in the internship colloquium.
How do I sign up for the Bachelorpropädeutikum (preparatory bachelor course)? How do I get accepted?
The formal sign-up procedure involves Friedolin. However, we advise you to contact possible thesis supervisors in person before you sign up. This way you can already narrow down a list of possible topics. You will then sign up for the Bachelorpropädeutikum at the respective department. Students interested in writing their B.Sc. thesis will then get accepted individually by the departments. You might have to state your reasons why you want to write your bachelor thesis at that particular department before you get accepted. Usually, all students assign themselves to the different departments in a way that works for all departments and advisors involved. This is why you will not have to sign up for all the Bachelorpropädeutika that the departments offer. You do not have to write your bachelor thesis with the same department at which you completed your Bachelorpropädeutikum. However, we advise against such a change. There are only a few reasons that could justify such a decision.
Are there modules I will have to complete first (i.e., prerequisites) before I can successfully sign up for other modules?
Requirements for each module can be found in the module catalogueExternal link. Most of our modules do not have admission requirements. This way you can choose modules in a flexible manner, depending on supply and demand.
However, the following modules are exceptions to that:
Module |
Requirement |
Modul B-PSY-202 Methodenlehre II |
Modul B-PSY-201 Methodenlehre I |
B-PSY-206 Einführung in die Testtheorie und Testkonstruktion |
Modul B-PSY-201 Methodenlehre I und |
B-PSY-204 Empirisches Forschungsseminar |
B-PSY-203 Empirische Forschungsmethoden |
Requirements of modules for the B.A. degree ought to be discussed with the person responsible for the respective module(s).
Specific questions regarding the M.Sc.
Does a master's degree (M.Sc.) in Jena enable me to be admitted to the postgraduate education for Psychological Psychotherapists, no matter the main focus of my master's programme?
Our different master programmes are designed to meet the current requirements of the postgraduate education for psychotherapists. Each of our three programmes gives you the opportunity to gain the necessary number of credits in Clinical Psychology. However, we cannot give you any further information on your chances of getting accepted to specific training institutes due to changes in occupational interests and the specific nature of selection criteria within different institutes.
Can I switch my focus of interest during my master's programme?
On rare occasions you can change your programme. In order for this to apply, there have to be vacancies in your desired programme and you have to fulfil the criteria specified for your desired focus. Please see the section of "Questions before taking up your studies and how to apply for a B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree". for further information. If an applicant has applied for a certain programme and has not been accepted to that one but another one instead, the applicant may switch from one focus to another within the first semester. However, this can only happen if the applicant is enrolled in one of the other two programmes at that point, and if there are vacancies in their desired programme.
Where can I find Information regarding the mandatory internship in the M.Sc. program?
The basis for the framework of the internship can be found in the current study and examination regulations de. Information about the internship is published by the examination office.
This includes:
- information regarding the duration of the internship
- requirements for the supervision for the approval of internships
- people responsible for internships at the respective chairs as well as their areas of responsibility
- requirements for the internship report
- In the M.Sc., research internships can be credited for the entire internship period. This must be applied for and justified by the chair of the examination board.
- Internships that were completed after the completion of the B.Sc. degree and before starting the master’s program can be recognized for up to a maximum of half of the total completed weeks.
Important pointers to make sure your internship is approved:
- An application for recognition is only required if a similar internship at the same institution has not previously been approved by the chair of the examination committee. An overview of pre-approved institutions for internships can be found at the examination office’s website.
- As rejection could occur, your formal application should be handed in before starting your internship.
Questions regarding a change of university or the placement into an advanced semester
I am studying psychology at another university with a Bachelor of Science degree and would like to apply in Jena. How do I proceed?
The application for placement in a higher semester is submitted directly to the Student Service Center of the University of Jena. A recommendation for placement is made by the chair of the examination board of the Institute of Psychology after successful application and enrollment. The recognition of the previous achievements will be made after the approval of the respective module supervisor by the examination board chairperson and will take place after admission. There is no disadvantage for the applicants if they apply for a lower semester.
I am studying psychology at the FSU or at another university with a Bachelor of Arts degree and would like to apply for a study place in Jena with a Bachelor of Science degree. How do I proceed?
The application for placement in a higher semester is submitted directly to the Student Service Center of the University of Jena. A recommendation for a placement will be made by the chairperson of the examination board of the Institute of Psychology after the application has been submitted. A preliminary classification will not be made. The recognition of the achievements will be made after admission by the chairman of the examination board after the approval of the respective module supervisor. There will be no pre-confirmation. There is no disadvantage for the applicants if they apply for a lower semester.
Specific questions regarding the B.A.
I am enrolled in the Psychology minor (B.A.) and have a question. Who can I ask?
You can find an FAQ for the minor subject hereExternal link. More general information can be found here de.
Questions concerning the expiring Diploma degree programme
I am still enrolled in the Diploma degree. How long can I get this degree at the Institute of Psychology?
In general, there are no temporal restrictions for graduating with a Diploma degree at our department as long as you are already enrolled in the Diploma degree (according to both old and new Diploma exam regulations (alte und neue Prüfungsordnung)). Deadlines for passing examinations are specified in the new exam regulations de (neue Prüfungsordnung, § 15):
§ 15 Fristen für die Ablegung von Prüfungen
"Studienbegleitende Fachprüfungen der Diplom-Vorprüfung, die nicht bis zum Beginn der Lehrveranstaltungen des 7. Semesters, und studienbegleitende Fachprüfungen der Diplomprüfung, die nicht bis zum Ende des 14. Semesters abgelegt wurden, gelten als erstmals abgelegt und als nicht bestanden, es sei denn, der Kandidat hat das Versäumnis nicht zu vertreten."