Professorship: Prof. Dr Tobias Koch

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Tobias Koch, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Mitarbeiter Prof. Dr. Tobias Koch
Image: Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Institutsgebäude (Haus 1), Room 213
Am Steiger 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
  • Curriculum vitae

    since April 2020
    University professor for Psychological Methodology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

    January 2019 until March 2020
    Teaching professorship at the institution of higher education in Berlin

    2015 until 2019
    Junior professorship at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg

    February 2015 to September 2015
    Junior professorship at RWTH Aachen University

    Berlin 2013-2015
    Research assistant

    Berlin, 2013
    Doctorate in Psychology

    Studies in Psychology at the Free University of Berlin

  • Publications 2017-2024
    • Bloszies, C., & Koch, T. (2024). Assessing Heterogeneity of Correlation Matrices in Misspecified Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Models. Structural Equation Modelling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/10705511.2024.2389400External link
    • Wester, R. A., Koch, T., Münch, F., Driver, C., Lutz, W., & Rubel, J. (in press). In Search of Lost Time. Discrete vs. Continuous Time Models of Working Alliance and Symptom Severity. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
    • Koch, T., & Eid, M. (2024). Augmented bifactor models and bifactor-(S-1) models are identical: A comment on Zhang, Luo, Zhang, Sun & Zhang (2023). Structural Equation Modelling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. DOI: 10.1080/10705511.2024.2339387External link
    • Urban, M., Koch, T., & Rothermund, K. (in press). The Implicit Association Test and its Difficulty(ies): Introducing the Test Difficulty Concept to Increase the True-Score Variance and, Consequently, the Predictive Power of Implicit Association Tests. Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology.
    • Schmidt, B., Böhmer, J., Schnuerch, M., Koch, T., & Michelmann, S. (2024). Post-hypnotic suggestion improves confidence and speed of memory access with long-lasting effects. Acta Psychologica, 245, 104240. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2024.104240External link
    • Bohn, M., Prein, J., Koch, T., Bee, R. M., Delikaya, B., Haun, D., & Gagarina, N. (2023). oREV: An item response theory-based open receptive vocabulary task for 3- to 8-year-old children. Behaviour Research Methods. DOI:10.3758/s13428-023-02169-3External link
    • Oeltjen, L., Koch, T., Holtmann, J., Münch, F. F., Eid, M., & Nussbeck, F. W. (2023). A general framework for the inclusion of time-varying and time-invariant covariates in latent state-trait models. Psychological Methods, 28(5).
    • Friemelt, B., Bloszies, C., Ernst, M. S., Peikert, A., Brandmaier, A. M., & Koch, T. (2023). On the performance of different regularisation methods in bifactor-(S-1) models with explanatory variables-Caveats, recommendations, and future directions. StructuralEquation Modelling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 30(4), 560-573.
    • Eid, M., Koch, T., & Geiser, C. (2023). Multitrait-multimethod models. Handbook of structural equation modelling, 349-266.
    • Bohn, J., Holtmann, J., Luhmann, M., Koch, T., & Eid, M. (2023). Consistency and specificity of attachments to parents, friends, and romantic partners in emerging adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 11(1), 58-73.
    • Koch, T., Voelkle, M. C., & Driver, C. C. (2023). Analysing longitudinal multirater data with individually varying time intervals. StructuralEquation Modelling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 30(1), 86-104.
    • Bee, R. M., Koch, T., & Eid, M. (2023). A General Theorem and Proof for the Identification of Composed CFA Models. psychometrika, 88(4), 1334-1353.
    • Jahnke, S., Koch, T., Goede, L. R., Schröder, C. P., Lehmann, L., & Beelmann, A. (2022). Legal cynicism, but not depression, mediates the link between adverse environmental factors and youth's political violence support. Psychology, Crime & Law, 28(5), 470-488.
    • Koch, T., Holtmann, J., Crayen, C., & Heekerens, J. (2021). Construction of informative priors for the application of CFA-MTMM models in small samples: A model-free approach. In Advanced Multitrait-Multimethod Analyses for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (pp. 129-153). Routledge.
    • Eid, M., Holtmann, J., & Koch, T. (2021). Restricted correlated trait-correlated method models for analysing multitrait-multimethod data. In Advanced Multitrait-Multimethod Analyses for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (pp. 28-50). Routledge.
    • Bohn, J., Holtmann, J., Ulitzsch, E., Koch, T., Luhmann, M., & Eid, M. (2021). Analysing stability and change in dyadic attachment: The multi-rater latent state-trait model with autoregressive effects. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 604526.
    • Bohn, J., Holtmann, J., Luhmann, M., Koch, T., & Eid, M. (2020). Attachment to parents and well-being after high school graduation: a study using self-and parent ratings. Journal ofHappiness Studies, 21(7), 2493-2525.
    • Holtmann, J., Koch, T., Bohn, J., & Eid, M. (2020). Multimethod Assessment of Time-Stable and Time-Variable Interindividual Differences: Introduction of a New Multitrait-Multimethod Latent State-Trait IRT Model. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36(6), 1024-1043.
    • Koch, T., Holtmann, J., Eid, M., & West, S. G. (2020). Analysing longitudinal multirater data with changing and stable raters. StructuralEquation Modelling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 27(1), 73-87.
    • Semmler-Busch, U., & Koch, T. (2020). How do migration background and socioeconomic status affect the assessment of non-cognitive skills? Diversity and social inequality: Challenges to the integration performance of primary schools, 121-125.
    • Koch, T., Holtmann, J., Bohn, J., & Eid, M. (2020). Multitrait-multimethod analysis. Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences, 3034-3056.
    • Koch, T., Eid, M., & Lochner, K. (2018). Multitrait-Multimethod-Analysis: The Psychometric Foundation of CFA-MTMM Models. In P. Irwing, T. Booth & D. Hughes (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Psychometric Testing. A Multidisciplinary Reference on Survey, Scale and Test Development. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
    • Koch, T., Holtmann, J., Bohn, J., & Eid, M. (2018). Explaining General and Specific Factors in Longitudinal, Multimethod, and Bifactor Models: Some Caveats and Recommendations. Psychological Methods, 23(3), 505-523. DOI:10.1037/met0000146External link
    • Eid, M., Geiser, C., Koch, T., & Heene, M. (2017). Anomalous Results in G-Factor Models: Explanations and Alternatives. Psychological Methods, 22(3), 541-562. DOI:10.1037/met0000083External link
    • Koch, T., Schultze, M., Holtmann, J., Geiser, C., & Eid, M. (2017). A multimethod latent state-trait model for structurally different and interchangeable methods. Psychometrika, 82, 17-47.
  • Research interests
    • Analysis of panel data and intensive longitudinal data
    • Multimethod research (e.g. multitrait-multimethod analysis and multirater analyses)
    • Psychometrics and measurement theory
    • Bayesian estimation methods
    • Causal inference
    • Multi-level and meta-analyses in Psychology
    • Wearables and mobile sensor data
  • Ongoing third-party funded projects
    • Development of mixed distribution item response models for the analysis of cross-classified multirater data and their application in teaching evaluation research (Prof. Koch, German Research Foundation)
    • Enhanced Assessment of Social and Health-Related Processes in Panel Studies through Event-Contingent Multimethod Experience Sampling Designs (SHERPA) (Prof. Dr Tobias Koch and Prof. Dr Michaela Riediger)
    • COSDIMH - Combining Surveys and Digital Tracking Data for Mental Health Research from a Computational Social Science Perspective (Emese Domahidi from Ilmenau University of Technology and Tobias Koch from Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
  • Acquired DFG and BMBF projects 2020-2024
    • DFG project (KO 4770/2-1) "Development of mixed distribution item response models for the analysis of cross-classified multirater data and their application in teaching evaluation research (MixIRT-CCM)", PI: Prof. Dr. Tobias Koch. Funding volume: €179,550.00.
    • BMBF joint project "THInKI: Thüringer Hochschulinitiative für KI im Studium", PI: Prof. Dr Tobias Koch, funding volume of the sub-project: €204,877.21 (total funding amount: €2 million).
    • DFG project (KO 4770/3-1) "Definition and estimation of causal effects in latent state trait models (CaST)", PI: Prof. Dr Tobias Koch, Prof. Dr Manuel Völkle (HU Berlin). Funding volume of the sub-project: €204,877.21 (total funding amount: €477,423.00). The project is still ongoing.
    • DFG project (KO 4770/4-1) " "The combination of survey studies and digital tracking data for research into mental health from the perspective of computational social sciences (COSDIMH)", PI: Prof. Dr Tobias Koch, Prof. Dr Emese Domahidi (TU Ilmenau). Funding volume of the sub-project: € 325,093.00 (total funding amount: € 642,514.00). The project is scheduled to start in 2024.
    • DFG project (KO 4770/5-1) "Improved measurement of social and health-related processes in panel studies using event-driven multi-method experience sampling designs (SHERPA)", PI: Prof. Dr Tobias Koch, Prof. Dr Michaela Riediger (FSU Jena). Funding volume of the sub-project: € 352,731.00 (total funding amount: € 475,768.00). The project is scheduled to start in 2024.