Maria Grub, M.A.
Maria Felicia Grub
Curriculum Vitae
Education and Academic Career
- SoSe 2024–ongoing: Doctoral Researcher, Institute of Communication Science (IfKW), University of Jena
- WiSe 2023–ongoing: Academic Researcher, Institute for Media and Communication Studies, University of Mannheim
- 2021–2024: Master's degree in Media and Communication Science, University of Mannheim. Thesis: "A bot a day keeps the doctor away: An empirical survey on attitudes towards human versus AI chat operators in a mental health context"
- 2023: Exchange semester, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Lithuania)
- 2022–2023: Student researcher and tutor for statistics and data analysis using R Institute for Media and Communication Studies, University of Mannheim
- 2018–2021: Bachelor's degree in Media and Communication Science, University of Mannheim. Thesis: "‘A rape is a rape is a rape’ – A qualitative content analysis of rape frames regarding male rape in UK print media"
Work Experience (non-academic)
- 2021–2023: Trainee Market Research, Q | Agentur für Forschung
- 2016–2018: Au Pair (USA)
Research Areas
- Disinformation and the role of AI in its dissemination and detection
- Algorithm Literacy
- Online Communities on various platforms (e.g., Reddit)
- Political activism, endorsement and influence on political events by celebrities
Awards & Scholarships
- Best Conference Paper Award 2024 (2. Place) for "Experiences, sensemaking and attitudes towards algorithms in mediated communication: An integrative review of the literature." at DGPuK Jahrestagung 2024, Erfurt, Germany.
- WiSe 2024: Politics in the spotlight: The interplay between politics and celebrity (BA), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
- WiSe 2024: Interview Methodology in Research Practice (BA), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
- SoSe 2024: Interview Methodology in Research Practice (BA), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
- SoSe 2024: Quantitative Content Analysis: Algorithmic literacy in the media (BA), University Mannheim
- SoSe 2024: Theories of the Digital (BA), University Mannheim
- WiSe 2023: Quantitative Content Analysis (BA), University Mannheim
- WiSe 2023: Introduction to scientific working (BA), University Mannheim
International Teaching Experience
- 2024: IULM International Week 2024, Mailand (Italien)
Conferences and Workshops
- Forthcoming: Grub, M. F. & Naab, T. K. (2025, January 22–24). Empathie im Digitalen Zeitalter: Vergleich der Nutzerwahrnehmung von menschlichen und KI-Chatoperatoren in der digitalen psychischen Gesundheitsversorgung. Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), Bamberg, Germany.
- Grub, M. F. (2024, November 20–22). Reddit as a “Safe Space” – Topic modeling of online mental health communities for depression and anxiety on Reddit. DGPuK Conference Health Communication 2024, Lucerne, Switzerland.
- Gagrčin, E., Naab, T. K., & Grub, M. F. (2024, June 20–24). Algorithmic media use and algotithmic literacy: An integrative literature review. ICA 2024, Cold Coast, Australia.
- Gagrčin, E., Naab, T. K., & Grub, M. F. (2024, March 13–16). Experiences, sensemaking and attitudes towards algorithms in mediated communication: An integrative review of the literature. DGPuK Jahrestagung 2024, Erfurt, Germany.
- Grub M. F., Müller, P., & Vorderer, P. (2023, July 9–13). Between fact and illusion: An experimental study on acquiring political knowledge on social media. IAMCR 2023, Lyon, France.
- Grub, M. (2024). A bot a day keeps the doctor away: An empirical survey on attitudes towards human versus AI chat operators in a mental health context. Interactions with Language-Based AI: Concluding Conference of the Human-Agent Interaction Network, Leibniz Institut für Wissmedien (IWM), Tübingen, Germany.
- 2024: PhD Workshop, 6th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM), Münster
- Gagrcin, E., Naab, T.K., & Grub, M. F. (2024). Algorithmic media use and algorithm literacy: An integrative literature review. New Media & Society. doi: 10.1177/14614448241291137