Antonia Wurm, M.A.

Research assistant
Empirical Methods of Communication Science
Antonia Maria Wurm
Research associate
Portrait Wurm
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
  • Curriculum vitae
    • Since 04/2023 - PhD student at the Institute of Communication Science, FSU Jena, in the DFG project ‘Alternativ(los)? Influencing factors on the construction of populism in alternative political online media’. Dissertation on the self-image and news routines of producers of alternative political online media
    • 10/2021 to 08/2023 - Master of Arts, Communication Science, Institute for Media, Knowledge and Communication, University of Augsburg. Focus on media and public relations change. Master's thesis: ‘Feminist self-realisation or exploitation of emotional intimacy? A qualitative content analysis of German reporting on OnlyFans’
    • 10/2016 to 08/2021- Bachelor of Arts, Communication Science, Institute for Media, Knowledge and Communication, University of Augsburg. Bachelor thesis: ‘New forms of interpassive play in Web 2.0: A qualitative survey of German-speaking Let's Players and Streamers’
  • Work and research focuses
    • Journalism Studies
    • Game Studies
    • Qualitative Research 
  • Memberships
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK)
    • International Communication Association (ICA)
    • Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA)

Publications & lectures

  • Publications

    Wurm, A., & Wimmer, J. (2024). Between feminist self-empowerment and the sell-out of emotional intimacy: A qualitative content analysis of German coverage of OnlyFans from 2020 to 2023. SCM Studies in Communication and Media, 13(4), 401-429.

    Wurm, A., & Wimmer, J. (2024). The role of self-perception, media practices and synchronicity in the production of commented gameplay videos. Entertainment Computing49. DOI: 10.1016/j.entcom.2023.100622

    Wurm, A., & Wimmer, J. (2023). Videogame-Streaming and Let’s Plays. In Game-Journalism: Fundamentals - Themes - Fields of tension. A handbook (243-253). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

    Wimmer, J., & Wurm, A. (2021). Youth media repertoires: Age ranges, context factors and privacy management. Interacoes: Sociedade e as Novas Modernidades, 41. 94-126. DOI: 10.31211/interacoes.n41.2021.a5

  • Talks

    (Peer reviewed)

    Wurm, A., & Wimmer, J. (2024). Exploring the perspectives of digital natives and digital immigrants on virtual reality in museums. A mixed methods approach. Presentation at the DiGRA Annual Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico.

    Wurm, A., & Wimmer, J. (2023). Snapchat for acquaintances, WhatsApp for friends? A qualitative study of the digital privacy management of adolescents. Presentation at the 68th DGPuK Annual Conference in Bremen, Germany.

    Wurm, A. & Wimmer, J. (2023). As independent as necessary or as possible? A qualitative survey of German indie game developers. Presentation at the DiGRA Annual Conference in Seville, Spain.

    Wurm, A. & Wimmer, J. (2022). The Role of Media Practices and Synchronicity in the Production of Annotated Gameplay. A qualitative survey of German gaming content creators. Presentation at Digital Games Research Association in Kraków, Poland.

  • Teaching

    Winter semester 2024/2025: Between freedom of speech and disinformation: The research field of alternative political online media in Germany (University of Augsburg). Specialisation seminar Bachelor Media and Communication Studies.