News Archive

  • Daniela Woschnack participated at the 2nd SSFII Conference in Cambridge

    Daniela Woschnack participated at the 2nd SSFII ("Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference") on September 25th 2017. She talked about "Narratives of Corporate Accountability: How and Why Do German Corporations Feel Accountable For Non-Financial Disclosure?". The conference to place at the University of Cambridge in UK. In 2015 Daniela Woschnack and Stefanie Hiß already participated at the 1st SSFII in Oxford.

    Link to the conferenceExternal link and the programExternal link.

    Meldung vom 26.09.2017

  • Latest Conference Talks in 2017

    From June, 30th till July, 1st SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) Annual Conference took place in Lyon. Daniela Woschnack presented her research about "Narratives of Corporate Accountability. The Case of Non-Financial Disclosure" in the network "Accounting, Economics, and Law". Agnes Fessler and Sebastian Nagel talked about "The fossil-fuel divestment movement between politicizing investments and financializing climate protection" (prepared together with Stefanie Hiss).
    Information on the conferenceExternal link and the conference programExternal link.

    In Copenhagen the 33rd EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) conference took place. On July, 6th Gesa Griese and Stefanie Hiss gave a talk about "Legitimize banking: The institutional logic of sustainability in the German banking industry" (prepared together with Sebastian Nagel).
    Information on the conferenceExternal link and the conference programExternal link.          

    Meldung vom 31.07.2017

  • Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiß is founding member of the ASEER

    Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiß is founding member of the Association for Socio*Economic Education and Research (ASEER). The ASEER was founded in Frankfurt/Main on October, 6th to support the claim for a renewal of economic research and teaching.

    Link to the homepage (German)External link

    Meldung vom 12.12.2016

  • Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiß and Hanna Schulte receive the FSU Jena teaching award 2016

    Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiß and Hanna Schulte receive the teaching award 2016. They share the price with Dr. Florian Buttolo and Thomas Engel. Both teaching teams are honored for their concept on "learning by research" in Sociology (undergraduate studies).

    Please find the press release hereExternal link (in German).

    Please find more information on the research award here de and on the teaching conceptExternal link here.

    Meldung vom 14.10.2016

  • Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiß is now a member of the interdisciplinary research group "Historic Gardens an Climate Change" at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

    Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiß is appointed to the interdisciplinary research group "Historic Gardens an Climate Change" at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

    Link to the website of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities hereExternal link.

    Meldung vom 15.09.2016

  • Conference on "learning by research" in Oldenburg

    On June 9th 2016 Hanna Schulte and Stefanie Hiss present a poster on "Learning by Research in Teaching Research Projects. Preparing and Supporting Student Research Projects on Sustainability" [Lehrforschung als Forschendes Lernen. Vorbereitung und Begleitung studentischer Forschungsprojekte zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit] at the "Conference on Research Based Teaching and Learning" [Konferenz für forschungsnahes Lehren und Lernen] in Oldenburg. 

    Meldung vom 06.06.2016

  • Workshop DIVESTMENT Moving (with) money? Taking stock of a social movement

    At May 19 to 20, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiss (University of Jena) and Dr. Silja Klepp (University of Bremen) host the workshop DIVESTMENT Moving (with) money? Taking stock of a social movement at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Gendarmenmarkt, Berlin).

    The call for Divestment has been gathering a growing social movement focusing onto the financial markets. Divesting means to move money and investments away from corporations and funds, and aims at initiating social change. The divestment movement has its roots in the US where it started as a protest against the apartheid regime in South Africa. Currently, the movement is mainly targeting climate change. Encouraged by the COP climate summit in Paris in 2015, by now universities, cities, insurances, pension funds, foundations and churches all over the world divest from stocks and bonds from corporations that are involved in the production and/or distribution of fossil fuels.

    The workshop focusses on current dynamics of divestment in Germany. It brings together different stakeholders of the divestment movement and wants to take stock of the movement and its newest developments.

    The workshop is part of the research project Double Dividend? The Contribution of Sustainable Investments to the Stabilization of Financial MarketsExternal link, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and led by Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiss. It is also supported by the German Young Academy (Junge AkademieExternal link) of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina.

    News Releases:

    Friedrich-Schiller-University JenaExternal link (in German; 2016/05/18)
    Die Junge AkademieExternal link (in German; 2016/05/19)
    Senatsverwaltung für Finanzen BerlinExternal link (in German; 2016/05/20)

    Meldung vom 09.05.2016

  • 3rd Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance

    On March 22nd 2016 Daniela Woschnack presented the poster "Comparing sustainability: Accounting and reporting schemes as a tool for sustainable development" (research by Daniela Woschnack, Stefanie Hiß, Sebastian Nagel and Bernd Teufel) at the 3rd Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance. 

    Link to the conferenceExternal link and the conference programExternal link.

    Meldung vom 22.03.2016

  • Kick-Off BMBF funding initiative "financial system and society"

    From November 24th till November 25th 2015 the kick-off meeting for the BMBF funding initiative "financial system and society" took place in Bonn. Stefanie Hiß, Sebastian Nagel, and Daniela Woschnack presented our research project "Double Dividend? The Contribution of Sustainable Investments to the Stabilization of Financial Markets".

    Meldung vom 25.11.2015

  • Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association

    Stefanie Hiss and Sebastian Nagel attended the 110th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) Sexualities in the social world in Chicago (USA) from August 22-25, 2015. Sebastian Nagel presented a part of his dissertation about Shareholder activism for sustainability: Organizational responses to investors demands at the Organizations, Occupations, and Work roundtable on Social Responsibility. He successfully applied for a travel grant (Gewährung eines Zuschusses zu einer Kongressreise) provided by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD; German Academic Exchange Service). Furthermore, Stefanie Hiss and Sebastian Nagel presented a joint paper about Socially Responsible Investing in Germany: A Typology of Legitimation at the same roundtable. The ASA is one of the largest professional associations of sociologists in the world with more than 13,000 members.

    Link to the conference programmeExternal link

    Meldung vom 23.08.2015

  • Stefanie Hiss is a Visiting Scholar at Northwestern University

    From July, 29 to October, 10 Stefanie Hiss will be a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Sociology at Northwestern UniversityExternal link in Evanston, US. The department is one of the most productive sociology-departments in the US. While visiting, Stefanie Hiss will pursue her research on sustainable finance and its contribution to financial stability, discussing her findings and in consultation with various members of the department, most notably including Professor Bruce CarruthersExternal link.

    Meldung vom 29.07.2015

  • SASE Annual Conference in London

    SASE Annual Conference "Inequality in the 21st Century" takes place at London School of Economics and Social Science (LSE) from July, 2nd till July, 4th. 

    Sebastian Nagel talks about "Affecting Companies´Behavior Towards Sustainability: The Role of Activist Shareholders in Germany" on July, 2nd.
    Stefanie Hiß, Sebastian Nagel, Bernd Teufel and Daniela Woschnack talk about "Sustainability Accounting and Reporting: A Dilution of Social Sustainability?" on July, 3rd.

    Find more information hereExternal link.
    Find the conference programme hereExternal link.

    Meldung vom 30.06.2015

  • FNG-Dialogue: Create Future with Sustainable Investments

    Stefanie Hiss and Daniela Woschnack participated at the FNG-Dialogue "Creating Future with Sustainable Investment" [Mit Nachhaltigen Geldanlagen Zukunft gestalten]. Stefanie Hiss talked in the panel "Sustainable Investment in 10 years" [Nachhaltige Geldanlagen in 10 Jahren].

    Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG), founded in 2001, is the industry association promoting sustainable investment in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

    Find the program hereExternal link [German].

    Meldung vom 20.05.2015

  • Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference in Oxford

    April, 24th: Presentation by Stefanie Hiss and Daniela Woschnack: "Sustainability Accounting and Reporting: A Dilution of Social Sustainability?" on the conference "Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference", SAID Business School, University of Oxford. 

    Find the program herepdf, 231 kb · de and the conference homepageExternal link here.

    Meldung vom 24.04.2015

  • New research project: Double Dividend

    We just started a new research project on financial markets and sustainability:

    "Double Dividend? The Contribution of Sustainable Investments to the Stabilization of Financial Markets"

    Find more information here.

    Meldung vom 16.04.2015

  • 11th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Vienna

    We gave two talks on the 11th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business:

    26th March: Talk by Sebastian Nagel: Shareholder activism for sustainability: organizational responses to investors demands.
    27th March: Talk by Stefanie Hiss, Sebastian Nagel, Bernd Teufel and Daniela Woschnack: Accounting and reporting: the spread of social sustainability into the financial markets.

    Find the programme herepdf, 1 mb · de.

    Meldung vom 30.03.2015

  • Stefanie Hiss gives a talk at CEMUS, Uppsala University

    March, 20th: Stefanie Hiss gives a talk on "Sustainable Markets An Oxymoron" at CEMUS - Center for Environment and Development Studies, Uppsala University.
    She discusses with students in the international master programme "Sustainable Development".

    Link to the courseExternal link
    Course shedulepdf, 295 kb · de

    Meldung vom 23.03.2015

  • Stefanie Hiss is a Visiting Scholar at the University of Uppsala, Sweden

    From March, 01 until April, 13 Stefanie Hiss will be guest at the Department of Sociology at Uppsala University, Schweden.

    Meldung vom 01.03.2015

  • "Big Data"-Conference in Jerusalem, Isreael

    February, 17th: Presentation by Stefanie Hiss and Martin Wunderlich: "Automated Discourse Analysis - Underrepresentation of women in top management positions in Germany"  on the conference "Big Data and the Future of Research in the Digital Age". A Collaborative Symposium of the Israel Young Academy and the German Young Academy, Jerusalem, Israel. Presented by Martin Wunderlich. You can find the programme herepdf, 144 kb · de.

    Meldung vom 18.02.2015

  • Old messages
    • 08.12.2014 Stefanie Hiss presents "Underrepresentativity of women in executive positions in the German economy" in the workshop on Intercultural and Complex Working Worlds at FSU Jena on December 12th 2014. Find more information here.
    • 07.01.2014 In her inaugural lecture entitled "Nachhaltige Märkte - Ein Oxymoron?" (Sustainable markets - an oxymoron?) Stefanie Hiss presented her current and future research directions.
    • 17.-20.11.2013 Prof. Akos Rona-Tas, PhDExternal link (University of California - San Diego/USA) has visited the chair of Stefanie Hiss in November. The highlight of the stay was his talk about "Plastic Money: Constructing Markets for Credit Cards in Eight Postcommunist Countries" in our research colloquium.
    • 01.-22.08.2013 Prof. Daniel Kinderman, PhDExternal link (University of Delaware/USA) has visited the chair of Stefanie Hiss during August. His stay is funded by DAAD.
    • 22.-28.07.2013 Sebastian Nagel was a fellow at this year's Konstanzer Meisterklasse "Crisis and Collapse" of the Cluster of Excellence "Cultural Foundations of Social Integration" at the University of Konstanz (Germany). More ...External link
    • 11.07.2013 The "Jean Monet Centre of Excellence: European Economic Integration - Rules and Institutions" has been considered to be eligible by the European Union. Lead applicant: Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert.
    • 10.07.2013 Stefanie Hiss has been elected spokeswoman of the Jena Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Societies (JenZiG).
    • 04.-05.07.2013 Workshop "Sustainability and Financial Markets" organized by Stefanie Hiss, guest lecture by Steve Lydenberg from the Kennedy School of Government at the Harvard University.
    • 20.06.2013 Conference on "Finanzialisierung und Euro-Krise: Krise der Finanzialisierung in Europa?" organized by Stefanie Hiss and Andreas Nölke (Goethe University Frankfurt), financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the framework "Die politische Ökonomie der globalen Finanzialisierungsprozesse", Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany.
    • 15.06.2013 Stefanie Hiss was newly elected as the new spokesperson of the interdisciplinary work group "Sustainability" at the summer plenum (June 15th-16th, 2013) of "The Young Academy" at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. Responsible for the associated coordination of the work group is Michael Göbel who works at the chair of Stefanie Hiß in Jena. During this year's summer plenum, Stefanie Hiss also received permission for her research project "Soziale Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschulen in Deutschland". The funding of this project is provided by "The Young Academy" and it will be realized by Marlis Bärthel from the Chair of Stefanie Hiss.
    • 25.10.2012 Stefanie Hiss addressed the university's new students at the celebration of their enrolment with a talk about "Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility and Jena - a Long History".
    • 16.05.2012 Stefanie Hiss has accepted the offer of the University of Jena of a professorship (W3) of sociology with a focus on markets, organizations and governance.
    • 01.09.2011 During Spring Term 2012 Stefanie Hiss will be Visiting Fellow at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies.
    • 01.07.2011 Start of a new, two-year research project about the "Institutionalization of public interests in private corporations", funded by the University of Jena.
    • 26.04.2011 Stefanie Hiss appointed to the Junge AkademieExternal link of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften - BBAW) and the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina).
    • 15.03.2011 Stefanie Hiss on "Academia Net - exzellente Wissenschaftlerinnen im BlickExternal link".
    • 04.12.2009 Stefanie Hiss is the only sociologist listed in the German business magazin Capital's ranking of the 40 top junior researchers.