Daniela Woschnack

University of Jena
Chair of Sociology of Markets, Organizations and Governance
Bachstrasse 18k
07743 Jena

Phone: +49 3641 9-45823
Fax: +49 3641 9-45822
Email: daniela.woschnack@uni-jena.de
Room: 122 (Bachstrasse 18k, first floor, north wing)

  • Research interests
    • Sociology of Organizations,
    • Economic Sociology,
    • Sociology of Financial Markets,
    • Sociology of Work and Industry
    • Sustainable Financial Markets,
    • Financialization,
    • Sustainability Accounting and Reporting,
    • Corporate Accountability
  • Curriculum vitae

    Since 07/2017
    Researcher at the Chair of Sociology of Markets, Organizations and Governance (Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiß); University of Jena

    Since 04/2015
    Researcher in the research project "Double Dividend? The Contribution of Sustainable Investments to the Stabilization of Financial Markets", funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Chair of Sociology of Markets, Organizations and Governance (Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiss), University of Jena, Germany

    Researcher at the Chair of Sociology of Markets, Organizations and Governance (Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiss), University of Jena, Germany

    Research Assistant in the research project "Sustainability and Financial Markets - Institutional Arrangements and Patterns of Perception", funded by the VolkswagenFoundation, Chair of Sociology of Markets, Organizations and Governance (Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiss), University of Jena, Germany

    Studies in Sociology, University of Jena, Germany (Master of Arts)

    Student Assistant in Teaching, Institute of Sociology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

    Studies in Sociology and Communication Research, University of Jena, Germany (Bachelor of Arts)

  • Publications

    Woschnack, Daniela/ Hiß, Stefanie (2024): Finanzmarkt und Nachhaltigkeit – zur Rolle der nicht-finanziellen Berichterstattung für eine Corporate Accountability. In: Sonnberger, Marco/ Bleicher, Alena/ Groß, Matthias (Hg.): Handbuch Umweltsoziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 805-818. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-37218-7_40External link

    Woschnack, Daniela/Hiss, Stefanie/Nagel, Sebastian/Teufel, Bernd (2021): Sustainability Disclosure and the Financialization of Social Sustainability, Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, Online First.

    Stefanie, Hiß/ Fessler, Agnes/ Griese, Gesa/ Nagel, Sebastian/ Woschnack, Daniela (2020): Nachhaltigkeit und Finanzmarkt - Zur soziologischen Vermessung eines Reflexionsraums. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

    Nagel, Sebastian/Hiss, Stefanie/Woschnack, Daniela/Teufel, Bernd (2017): Between Efficiency and Resilience: The Classification of Companies According to their Sustainability Performance. External linkIn: Historical Social Research, 42 (1), 189-210.

    Woschnack, Daniela/Nagel, Sebastian/Hiss, Stefanie/Teufel, Bernd (2015): Das Accounting sozialer Nachhaltigkeit [The accounting of social sustainability]. In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 30 (4), 30-34.External link

    Hinz, Sarah/Woschnack, Daniela (2013): Der Fall Schaeffler: Die widersprüchliche Entstehung einer Mitbestimmungskultur [The Schaeffler case: The contradictory formation of co-determination]. In: Schmalz, Stefan/Dörre, Klaus (ed.): Comeback der Gewerkschaften? Machtressourcen, innovative Praktiken, internationale Perspektiven [Comeback of unions? Power resources, innovative practices, international perspectives]. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 161-172.

    Schmalz, Stefan/Hinz, Sarah/Woschnack, Daniela/Schwetje, Dennis/Paul, Benjamin (2013): IG Metall mit Rückenwind: Zum wachsenden Engagement der Beschäftigten [IG Metall with a tail wind: About the growing commitment of employees]. In: Schmalz, Stefan/Dörre, Klaus (ed.): Comeback der Gewerkschaften? Machtressourcen, innovative Praktiken, internationale Perspektiven [Comeback of unions? Power resources, innovative practices, international perspectives]. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 255-270.

    Hinz, Sarah/Woschnack, Daniela (2012): Tarifrunde 2012 - Mehr als nur ein kurzer Moment der Revitalisierung für die IG Metall? [Bargaining round 2012 - More than a brief moment of revitalisation for IG Metall?]. In: Z. Zeitschrift für Marxistische Erneuerung, 23(92): 70-80.

  • Presentations

    Cambridge, 25th September 2017

    Presentation: Narratives of Corporate Accountability: How and Why Do German Corporations Feel Accountable For Non-Financial Disclosure?
    Created and presented by Daniela Woschnack.
    2nd SSFII - Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference. University of Cambridge, UK.
    Link to ConferenceExternal link and to ProgramExternal link.

    Lyon, 30th June 2017

    Presentation: Narratives of Corporate Accountability. The Case of Non-Financial Disclosure
    Created and presented by Daniela Woschnack.
    SASE Annual Conference 2017: What's Next? Disruptive/Collaborative Economy or Business as Usual? University of Lyon I.
    Network P: Accounting, Economics, and Law
    Link to ConferenceExternal link and to ProgramExternal link.

    Lüneburg, 22th September 2016

    Presentation: Framing of accountability: For what and to whom are corporations accountable? Erstellt und präsentiert von Daniela Woschnack. 20th Conference of the Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network (EMAN): Two Decades of Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Accounting What has been achieved?
    Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Lüneburg
    Link to ProgramExternal link.

    Neapel, 8th July 2016

    Presentation: How financial market driven sustainability accounting & reporting initiatives Created by Stefanie Hiß, Sebastian Nagel, Bernd Teufel und Daniela Woschnack. Presented by Daniela Woschnack and Stefanie Hiß.
    32nd EGOS Colloquium ("Organizing in the Shadow of Power"), Sub-theme: Organizing in the Shadow of Financial Markets, University of Naples Federico II, Dept. of Economics, Management, Institutions, Naples (Italy)
    Link to Conference-HomepageExternal link.

    Kassel, 30th June 2016

    Sustainability and Markets: Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht!? ["What does not fit is made to fit"]
    Presentation, exercise and discussion by Stefanie Hiß and Daniela Woschnack
    as part of the project seminar "Special Topics in Finance: Sustainable Finance" (Prof. Dr. Klein, Dr. Zwergel, Dipl.-Volksw. Drempetic)
    at the Universiy of Kassel, FB Economics, Institut for BWL, Chair of Corporate Finance.

    Geneva, 22th March 2016

    Posterpresentation: How do sustainability accounting & reporting initiatives interpret the concept of social sustainability?
    Created by Daniela WoschnackExternal link, Stefanie Hiß, Sebastian Nagel und Bernd Teufel. Presented by Daniela WoschnackExternal link
    3rd Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance.
    Link to ConferenceExternal link and to ProgramExternal link.

    London, 3th July 2015

    Presentation: Sustainability Accounting and Reporting: A Dilution of Social Sustainability?
    Created and presented by Stefanie Hiß, Sebastian Nagel, Bernd Teufel and Daniela Woschnack.
    SASE Annual Conference 2015: Inequality in the 21st Century. London School of Econommics.
    Link to ConferenceExternal link and to ProgramExternal link.

    Oxford, 24th April 2015

    Presentation: Sustainability Accounting and Reporting: A Dilution of Social Sustainability? Created by Stefanie Hiß, Sebastian Nagel, Bernd Teufel und Daniela Woschnack.
    Presented by Stefanie Hiß and Daniela Woschnack.  
    Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference, SAID Business School, University of Oxford. 
    Link to Conference External linkand to ProgramExternal link 

    Wien, 27th March 2015

    Presentation: Accounting and reporting: the spread of social sustainability into the financial markets. Created by Stefanie Hiß, Sebastian Nagel, Bernd Teufel und Daniela Woschnack.
    Presented by Sebastian Nagel and Daniela Woschnack. 
    11th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien.
    Link to ProgramExternal link

    Stockholm, 12th March 2015

    Presentation: Accounting for Social Sustainability. Created by Daniela Woschnack, Sebastian Nagel, Stefanie Hiß und Bernd Teufel. Presented by Stefanie Hiß.
    SCORE - Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research Seminar, Stockholm. 

  • Courses

    Einführung in die Organisationssoziologie (winter term 2019/2020)

    Unternehmen und Gesellschaft. Eine organisationssoziologische Reflexion (winter term 2019/2020)

    Corporations as societal actors [Unternehmen als gesellschaftliche Akteure] (undergraduate course, winter term 2017/2018]

    Sustainability and Financial Market - An International Comparison [Nachhaltigkeit und Finanzmarkt - Ein internationaler Vergleich] (undergraduate course, winter term 2014/2015)