Agnes Fessler

University of Jena
Chair of Sociology of Markets, Organizations and Governance
Bachstrasse 18k
07743 Jena/Germany


  • Research interests
    • Economic sociology
    • Sociology of work
    • Organizations and gender
    • Social inequality and orders of legitimation
    • Financialization of social security and social reproduction
  • Curriculum vitae

    Researcher [Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin] in the research project "Double Dividend? The Contribution of Sustainable Investments to the Stabilization of Financial Markets", funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

    Graduate Studies in Sociology at the University of Jena (Master of Arts)

    Research assistant [Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft] at the Department of Sociology of Markets, Organizations and Governance (Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiss), FSU Jena

    Research assistant [Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft] at the Department of Work, Industrial and Economic Sociology (Prof. Dr. Klaus Dörre) with PD Dr. Hajo Holst (now University of Osnabrück)

    Scholarship at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna (Department of Sociology) within the research programme of EQUI (employment, qualification, innovation)

    Study assistant at the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, Austria (Research Department of Social and economic sciences) in the qualitative evaluation of the model project Aufbruch for unemployed migrant adolescents without (occupational) training qualification within the programme Migration & Labour market, ESF SP 3b/2

    Undergraduate Studies in Sociology (extension curriculum in Economic and Social History) at the University of Vienna (Bachelor of Arts)

  • Publications

    Unger, Martin/ Dünser, Lukas/ Fessler, Agnes/ Grabher, Angelika/ Hartl, Jakob/ Laimer, Andrea/ Thaler, Bianca/ Wejwar, Petra/ Zaussinger, Sarah (2012): Studierenden-Sozialerhebung 2011. Bericht zur sozialen Lage der Studierenden. Band 1: Hochschulzugang und StudienanfängerInnen. IHS-Projektbericht, Wien.

    Unger, Martin/ Dünser, Lukas/ Fessler, Agnes/ Grabher, Angelika/ Hartl, Jakob/ Laimer, Andrea/ Thaler, Bianca/ Wejwar, Petra/ Zaussinger, Sarah (2012): Studierenden-Sozialerhebung 2011. Bericht zur sozialen Lage der Studierenden. Band 2: Studierende. IHS-Projektbericht, Wien.

  • Presentations

    Gottingen, 26th September 2018

    Presentation: Fossil Fuel Divestment Mobilisierung und Framing zwischen Klima- und Finanzbewegung ["mobilization and framing between climate and financial movements"]
    Created by Agnes Fessler and Stefanie Hiß. Presented by Agnes Fessler.
    Ad-Hoc-Group "NGOs und soziale Bewegungen im Klimaregime Ausdruck eines neuen Spannungsfeldes sozialer und ökologischer Fragen?" ["NGOs and social movements in climate regime - expression of a new area of conflict in social and ecological questions?"] as part of DGS-Congress
    Link to ProgramExternal link

    Konstanz, 14th September 2018

    Presentation: (De-)Investing against Climate Change? The Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement as Green Finance Protest and Financial Market Mobilization
    Created by Agnes Fessler and Stefanie Hiß. Presented by Agnes Fessler.
    Economic Sociology Midterm Conference "Crossing Boundaries" (Gemeinsame Tagung der ESA und DGS). Link to ProgrammExternal link.

    Montreal, 12th August 2017

    Presentation: The framing of divestment: Explaining the recent dynamics of a social movement
    Created by Stefanie Hiß, Sebastian Nagel and Agnes Fessler. Presented by Stefanie Hiß.
    American Sociological Association (ASA), 112th Annual Meeting, Montreal
    Link to ConferenceExternal link.

    Lyon, 1th July 2017

    Presentation: The fossil-fuel divestment movement between politicizing investments and financializing climate protection
    Created by Agnes Fessler, Stefanie Hiß and Sebastian Nagel. Presented by Agnes Fessler and Sebastian Nagel.
    SASE Annual Conference 2017: What's Next? Disruptive/Collaborative Economy or Business as Usual? University of Lyon I.
    Link to Conference External link and to ProgramExternal link.

    Zurich, 22th June 2017

    Presentation: The fossil fuel divestment movement between politicizing investments and financializing climate protection
    Created by Stefanie Hiß, Sebastian Nagel and Agnes Fessler. Presented by Stefanie Hiß.
    Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie: Gemeinwohl und Eigeninteresse , Zürich. ["Congress of the suisse society of sociology: common good and self interest, Zurich"]
    Link to ConferenceExternal link.