Learning by Research

FSU teaching award 2016

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiss and Hanna Schulte received the teaching award 2016. They share the price with Dr. Florian Buttolo and Thomas Engel. Both teaching teams are honored for their concept on "learning by research" in Sociology (undergraduate studies).

Please find the press release hereExternal link (in German).

Please find more information on the research award here de.

If you have any questions please contact Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hiß or Hanna Schulte.


Short Presenationpdf, 616 kb · de

Hiss, Stefanie/Schulte, Hanna (2016): Lehrforschung als Forschendes Lernen. Ein praxisorientierter Einblick in die Vorbereitung und Begleitung studentischer Forschungsprojekte zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit. External link [pdf 338KB]
[Learning by Research in Teaching Research Projects. A Pracitcal Insight into Preparing and Supporting Student Research Projects on Sustainability] In: Berendt, Brigitte et al. (Hg.), Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre. Berlin, 77. Ergänzungslieferung, A 3.21.