
FAQ B.A. Educational Science

Here you will find frequently asked questions about our Bachelor's degree programme "Educational Science".
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1. Questions about admission?

  • What are the admission requirements?

    If you would like to study with us, you need a university entrance qualification such as the Allgemeine Hochschulreife (=Abitur).

    You can find further information here.

  • Is there an NC (Numerus Clausus)?

    If you want to study Educational Science as a core subject, there is an NC. You can find more information here. In the supplementary subject, there is no NC.

  • I have a foreign school leaving certifacte or degree. Do I have to prove that I have a German language skills?

    Yes, you do. You can find more information about the language requirements here. Use the tab " Undergraduate study programmes without admission restrictions".

  • How quickly will I know if I have been admitted?

    Several FSU authorities are often involved in checking your application documents. It may therefore take some time before you receive an answer.

2. Questions about the organisation of studies

  • Which courses do I have to take?

    It is best to orientate yourself on the sample studies of the degree programme. This gives you a good overview of the modules you have to take during your studies. Please note that several courses (e.g. lecture + seminar) can belong to one module. You can find more detailed information on the structure and content of the modules in the HanFRIED de.

  • How do I enrol for courses?

    You can register for courses on Friedolin. Log in with your URZ login and follow the navigation (left) to "Apply for modules". Now you can select your courses. Please use the sample study plan as a guide when creating your timetable.

  • What is the ASPA?

    ASPA is the abbreviation for: Academic Study and Examination Office. The ASPA takes care of all examination matters. 

  • When and how do I register for exams?

    You can register for exams via Friedolin within the specified period of 10 weeks from the start of the lecture period. You can see the dates hereExternal link.

    During these 10 weeks, you can also deregister from the exams yourself.

    After this period, it is no longer possible to deregister for exams. If you still want to deregister, you have to contact the ASPA.

  • I am ill. How can I deregister from an exam?

    HereExternal link you will find all the information you need to deregister from an exam if you are ill.

  • What can I do if I have definitively failed an examination?

    You can apply for a third attempt at the ASPA de. You can find all the necessary information under "10. module examination definitively not passed".

  • What ist the pre-study intership and how do I prove it?

    If you are studying Educational Science as a core subject, you must complete a pre-study internship of 240 hours in an educational field of activity. The pre-study internship can be completed within the first year of study.

    Further information and the confirmation form can be found hereExternal link.

    You can submit the original completed confirmation form by mail or in room 302 (3rd floor) at the Institute of Educational Sciences.

  • Who can I contact if I have questions about the organisation of my studies?

    If you have any questions about the structure, process and organisation of your studies, you are welcome to contact the members of the Student Advisory ServiceExternal link

    You are welcome to make an individual appointment with them!

3. Questions about the intership

  • When will my intership take place?

    The sample study plan provides that you can complete your internship in the 5th semester. Fewer courses are planned for this semester.

  • How is the intership module structured?

    The professionally oriented practical module consists of 2 parts:

    • Guided pedagogical activities of 480 hours in a pedagogical institution of your choice.
    • Attendance of the accompanying seminar "Problem-Oriented Learning" (POL) for 30 hours → Compilation of an internship portfolio.
  • Do I have to look for an intership myself?

    Yes, you have to look for an internship yourself. However, the Institute of Educational Sciences has numerous cooperationsExternal link with regional practical partners. You are also welcome to use our internship days to find out about possible internships.

  • Can I do my intership abroad?

    Yes, this is possible. You can find more information about internships abroad hereExternal link.

  • Where can I find more information about the intership module?

    The most important information on the timetable, insurance cover, choice of field of work, ... can be found in the document „Hinweise zum Praxismodul Erz 6 und Erz F“ External link.

  • Where can I find the necessary forms?

    You can find the necessary forms hereExternal link under the tab "Praktikum BA".

  • Who is responsible for the intership at the Institute of Education?

    The person responsible for the internship is Dr. Steffi Völker.

4. Questions about the bachelor thesis

  • What is a bachlor's thesis?

    "Through the bachelor’s thesis, the student should prove that he or she is able to independently work on a problem from his or her subject and present it according to scientific standards within a given period of time."                                                                                                                                         (Examination regulations of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences for degree programmes leading to a Bachelor of Arts of 14 February 2013).

    You should show that you can work scientifically:

    • research
    • structure
    • analyse
    • reflect
    • discuss
    • apply methods


  • What requirements do I have to fulfil to register for the bachelor thesis?
    • Proof of 140 ECTS together from core and supplementary subjects
    • Proof of at least 1 term paper
    • completed registration form (with the title of your BA and the signatures of both reviewers)

    Further information can be found on the ASPA websiteExternal link under the tab "Registration of Bachelor's and Master's theses".

  • What do I need to know when registering my thesis?
    • Select a (working) topic
    • Find a first and second supervisor (before registering)
  • Where can I find the application form?
  • How do I find a reviewer/supervisor?

    The choice of supervisors should be made according to the thematic and methodological focus of the work and research. Further information can be found on the homepages of the chairs and professorships. At least the first reviewer must be a staff member of the Institute of Educational Science or the Institute of Education and Culture.

  • Can the processing time be extended?

    According to the examination regulations § 10 Para. 4, the processing time can be extended by 3 weeks in exceptional cases upon justified application (to be submitted to the Examinations Office). The Examinations Office can advise you on this.

  • How often can the thesis be repeated?

    According to the Examination Regulations §10, Paragraph 11, final papers can only be repeated once.

5. other questions

  • Where can I find information about studying abroad?

    HereExternal link you can find a lot of information about studying abroad.

  • Who can issue me with a certificate of study?

    You can download your study/matriculation certificate at FriedolinExternal linkunder "Studienbescheinigung".

  • Where can I find information an (accident) insurance?

    The Studierendenwerk ThüringenExternal linkhas compiled the most important information on the topic of insurance.

  • I have exam nerves. Who can help me?

    The Studierendenwerk ThüringenExternal link offers counselling. 

  • How can I end my studies?

    You can find information about termination of enrolment here.