The Institute for Education and Culture at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena is responsible for the master’s degree program of Education-Culture-Anthropology.
The Institute is also responsible for modules and exams for the Teaching Degree. The Adult Education Chair is represented in the Bachelor of Educational Sciences and Master of Social Pedagogy/Social Management.
The points listed above contain important tips and materials for students and general information about these courses of study.
The offices and rooms of the Institute for Education and Culture (IKB), the Chair of Historical Pedagogy and Global Education, and the Chair of Adult Education are currently closed for visitors. During this time, you can reach us by E-mail.
The secretaries can still be reached by phone as well as by:
Institute for Education and Culture
Email: sekretariat.ibk@uni-jena.de
Chair of Historical Pedagogy and Global Education
Email: sekretariat.globi@uni-jena.de
Chair of Adult Education
Email: sekretariat.eb@uni-jena.de
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