
M.A. Education Culture Anthropologie

Education ("Bildung") is understood as a challenge that has been decisively intensified by the normative claim of the Enlightenment: the "free" human being who refers to himself is faced with the task of reflexively reacting to his limitations and possibilities and, within this framework, of establishing appropriate judgement as the basis for action.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Information about the Program

  • Structure and Content

    This Master’s program combines philosophy of education with an interdisiplinary approach. Center of thought is the German concept of "Bildung", which has no direct translation to English (f.e. edification, subjectivication).  

    The Master’s program  follows a concept unique for Germany through:

    • the focus on philosophy of education ("Bildungstheorie")
    • an interdisciplinary approach to the core fields of:
      • literature and language
      • society
      • religion

    Through its hermeneutic approach and the integration of various disciplines (German Studies, Cultural Studies, Theology, Sociology, Ancient Studies, Political Science, English Studies, Language Studies, Business Education), the program is committed to a modern understanding of the humanities. The focus is on the fundamental importance of the historical development of educational thinking on the modern self-perception of people. Education ("Bildung") is placed in a postcolonial and global context. Alongside the courses with a limited number of participants (max. 30 persons), an accompanying internship, and participation in extra-curricular conferences is an integral part of the curriculum.

    Program structure:

    • Duration: 4 semesters
    • Language of instruction: German
    • Start of studies in the winter semester
    • Modular course

    Builds upon the following BA programs at FSU:

    • Altertumswissenschaften B. A.
    • Christentum in Kultur, Geschichte und Bildung B. A.
    • Erziehungswissenschaft B. A.
    • Germanistik B. A.
    • Philosophie B. A.
    • Politikwissenschaft B. A.
    • Religionswissenschaft B. A.
    • Sozialkunde LAG
    • Soziologie B. A.
    • Volkskunde/Kulturgeschichte B. A.
    • And other humanities fields

    Participating departments:-

    • Institute for German Literature
    • Institute of Classical Studies
    • Institute for Sociology
    • Institute for English/American Studies
    • Language Center
    • Department of Business Education
    • Institute for Political Science
    • Department of Cultural Anthropology / Cultural History
    • Faculty of Theology
    • Institute for Education and Culture
  • Career Prospects

    This program with a limited number of participants (max. 30 persons) is designed to prepare students for careers involving the analysis, criticism, and development of concepts of education, culture, and anthropology.

    This program is designed to prepare students for careers involving the analysis, criticism, and development of concepts of education, culture, and anthropology. On the one hand, the degree ensures qualifications for leadership positions in the field of cultural and social education. A supervised and accompanied internship is an integral part of the curriculum. On the other hand, it prepares students for doctoral studies and participation in academic research projects at the institute and Jena. The program works closely with the "Laboratory of Enlightenment" Research Center, the Kolleg Global Education, the Network World Education Fellowship Germany/Jena - Research and Development and other research institutions and projects.

    The Master's degree also serves as preparation for doctoral studies and work in academic research projects.

  • Study Schedule Template

    Here you can find the Study Schedule Template of the master program.

    overview modules (German)pdf, 128 kb · de


  • Elective Modules

    The interdisciplinary Master is characterized by a wide range of elective courses.

    One of three specializations can be chosen:

    • Literature and Language
    • Society
    • Religion

    In order to complete a specialization, three of the four corresponding elective modules must be chosen. It is not mandatory to choose a specialization. It is also possible to choose elective modules from all areas.

    elective modules (German)pdf, 150 kb · de


  • Admission Requirements
    • Accredited undergraduate degree in Social Sciences/Humanities or Theology or first state examination for Lehramt.
    • At the time of application: proof of at least 140 ETCS from first degree.
    • Letter of motivation.
    • Two modern foreign languages (one of them B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, i.e. at least six years of instruction).
    • For applicants who speak German as a foreign language: DSH-2 or TestDaF 4x4 or equivalent language certificate.

    The application deadline for German students is 15 September and for international students 15 July.

    Further information on the application and application documents can be found here.External link


  • Contact

    Head of Course Program

    Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf Koerrenz
    Am Planetarium 4 (221) · 07743 Jena
    Telefon: +49 (0) 3641 - 945331
    Mail: ralf.koerrenz@uni-jena.de

    Program Coordinator and Course Advisor

    Lena Köhler M.A.
    Am Planetarium 4 (214) · 07743 Jena
    Tel +49 (0) 3641 - 944987
    Mail: lena.koehler@uni-jena.de


    Raum D307, 3. OG
    Fürstengraben 1 07743 Jena 
    Telefon: +49 (0) 3641 9-411555 
    Email: master@uni-jena.de


    Academic Office for Student Affairs and Examination

    Carl-Zeiß-Platz 1
    07743 Jena 
    Telefon: +49 (0) 3641 9-411999
    Email: ASPA@uni-jena.de

    https://www.uni-jena.de/en/university/faculties+_+institutions/division+1/aspaExternal link

The Master's program explained in 6 minutes.. (German)

Video: University of Jena