About us
The Student Council (Fachschaftsrat, FSR) of Educational Science is a university body that includes students of the Bachelor of Education, the Master of Education - Social Pedagogy/Social Management and the Master of Education-Culture-Athropology. The task of this committee is to represent the students and their interests in the university context and to ensure their participation and contribution. Members of the student council are represented on university committees in order to make the students' perspective heard.
These bodies include the Institute Councils, consisting of selected representatives of the FSR who attend once a month to discuss the issues at hand since the Bachelor of Education and the Master of Social Pedagogy/Social Management are located at the Institute of Education. (https://www.erziehungswissenschaft.uni-jena.de ) The Master in Education-Culture-Athropology, on the other hand, is part of the Institute for Education and Culture. Therefore, members of the FSR have a seat on both councils as student representatives.
Furthermore, members visit the faculty council on a monthly basis. This seat is currently shared by the FSR of Educational Sciences with the FSR of Sports. There, members of the Dean's Office, university teachers, students, academic staff, technical and administrative staff, the Equal Opportunities Officer, representatives of the Doctoral Council, and the Commissioner for Diversity discuss all issues concerning the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences. These include, for example, the issues of study, examination, and doctoral regulations (https://www.fsv.uni-jena.de de).
The Study Commission is one of the quality assurance structures for studying and teaching at the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences. In addition to the various voting members, individual elected members of the Faculty's FSRs have an consultative vote and take part in the regular meetings scheduled at least once per semester.
In the FSR committee, representatives of all FSRs meet. In the monthly meetings during the lecture period the FSRs exchange information, discuss current problems, and plan joint projects. A recent example of such projects is online teaching or general conditions of digital learning. Each of these FSRs has one vote. (https://www.fsrkom.uni-jena.de/index.htmlExternal link)
The Institute of Educational Science and the Institute of Education and Culture have repeatedly advertised vacancies for professorships, and student representatives are necessary for the appointment of new teachers, so members of the FSR are also represented on the appointment committee. In addition to the committee work, there are other offices within the FSR that deal with several different issues.
On the one hand, there is an events committee that organizes and discusses events. These events offer the possibility to discuss educational science topics in non-formal contexts. The Student Council also organizes events to give students the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other in a recreational setting.
Other elected members deal with finances. All FSRs of the university are provided with various funds to support the realization of various projects. For example, they can hire guest speakers or organize parties. Finances are handled by the members who are in charge of the funds. A final report on the financial activities of the FSR is also required each semester.
Public Relations
The FSR has also set up consultation hours by e-mail - both for the Bachelor's and the Master's programs - that are supervised by individual members. This allows questions, concerns, and opinions of the students to be addressed. It is essential for the work of the FSR, since the representation of the student body is scarcely possible without contact and exchange.
There are also members who are responsible for the FSR's public relations work and who manage the Facebook and Instagram sites and the Telegram Channel. This allows students to stay informed of all the latest news. By doing so, the FSR tries to create the possibility of an exchange of information in order to gather opinions and problems of the students. The work on the FSR's own website is also the task of those responsible for public relations.
The FSR receives daily e-mails with a wide variety of concerns, so the management and organization of the mailbox is also an office that is assigned within the FSR. The person responsible for this organizes the incoming mail, forwards mails that are relevant for other offices, answers these mails, and is often in contact with other FSRs or university employees on behalf of the entire FSR.
The newsletter is closely linked to this and is used to send a wide variety of offers and information that reach the FSR to the students. The purpose of the newsletter is to inform students of important news like, for example, job or internship offers, study opportunities, or events. Students also receive the meeting minutes to ensure transparency of the committee’s work.
Student Representation
Another important task of the FSR is to advocate for the improvement of the study conditions of both the Bachelor and Master programs by maintaining a dialogue between the students and the management. On top of that, the FSR also contributes ideas and contributions to fundamental reforms of the study programs in the interest of the student body.
Of course, the offices of the chairman and the vice-chairman should be mentioned. These offices hold the organization of the Student Council together. They have a complete overview of all pending matters, events and discussions, coordinate them, and are in constant exchange with the individual members. The FSR is re-elected every academic year resulting in a change in the responsibilities of the offices and a different distribution of tasks. The highest common goal that the entire FSR is working towards will always be to represent the students adequately and in the best possible way.
Stay Up to Date
Further information about the Student Council for Educational Sciences can be found through the following channels:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ErzWissExternal link
Instagram: @erziehungswissenschaft.jena
And on the mailing list:
https://lserv.uni-jena.de/mailman/listinfo/erzwiss_bExternal link (Bachelor)
https://lserv.uni-jena.de/mailman/listinfo/erzwiss_mExternal link (Master)
Further information can also be found on our website: https://www.fsr-erzwiss.uni-jena.de/ de