

Image: Pixabay

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Program (the European Union's program for the promotion of student mobility) you have the opportunity to study at one of our partner universities or to complete an internship abroad.

When you finish your first academic year, you will not only be able to get to know the academic culture and teaching and research methods of your host university and discover new aspects and perspectives of your field of study, you will also be able to engage intensively with the culture of your host country and make new contacts and friends.


The Erasmus Program offers you

  • No tuition fees at the host university
  • Financial support for 3 to 12 months
  • Support from the subject coordinators, the international office, and in many cases through local mentoring programs

Contact Partner: Friederike von Horn,External link Chair of Historical Pedagogy and Global Education

  • First Steps

    The first steps on the way to studying abroad:

    1. You have finished your first year of study.
    2. You can plan to study abroad for the duration of one or two semesters.
    3. BKA Master students can study at IBK partner universities, but they may also use the contacts of the cooperating institutes


    Please note the necessary language qualifications! As a general rule, the local language and B1-level English are required. In order to obtain the language qualifications, you should check out the offers of the Language Centre of the Friedrich-Schiller-University.

    • Discover the possibilities and get advice directly from your subject coordinator.
    • On the application form https://www.uni-jena.de/FormulareERASMUS.html de (link IB) you can specify your preferences.
    • Submit all application documents -application form/form of the IB, letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, a list of certificates of achievement (from Friedolin) - to your subject coordinator by 15.01.
    • If you would like to travel through one of the cooperating institutes you still have to arrange your Erasmus stay with the coordinator (Friederike von Horn)!
  • Partner Universities
  • Selection Criteria
    • Letter of motivation 60%
    • The application shows (on the basis of the academic achievements and the offer of the desired host university) that the stay abroad will be a meaningful supplement to the studies at the given time 40%