The department offers several study programmes:
- A general three-year Bachelor programme in Political Science (180 ECTS credit points) which covers the full range of the discipline with mandatory modules in the German Political System, Political Theory, International Relation, and Comparative Government and several elective modules in fields such as European Studies, International Organisations. Teaching language is generally German although in every term some courses are in taught in English. Further information in German language here de.
- A two-year general Master programme (120 ECTS credit points) in Political Science in which there are only few mandatory modules. Basically, the students are free to choose their field of specialization (every subdivision of the department offers a line of specialization). Teaching language is generally German although in every term some courses are in taught in English. Further information in German language here de.
- A new Master Program: International Organisations and Crisis Management (further information here) which is taught in English language.
- A one-year Master programme Master Political Studies and Governance (60 ECTS credit points) which is (inspite of its name) taught mainly in German with only some courses in English. The programmes is addressed to non-German students who hold a BA degree in Political Science with at least 240 ECTS credit points and who have passed the „Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber (DSH)“; further information in German language here de.
- Two teacher training programmes enabling students to teach Social Science in German secondary education. The programmes consist of modules in Political Science, Sociology, and Economics which are taught in German language.
- The department contributes to several interdisciplinary master programmes such as (all taught in German and each with 120 ECTS credit points):