Banner Politisches System der BRD

Political System of Germany

Banner Politisches System der BRD
Image: Andreas Bauermeister


Marion Reiser, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Mitarbeiterbild Marion Reiser
Image: Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Room 430
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link


Ines Schildhauer
Photo of Ines Schildhauer
Image: Ines Schildhauer
Room 431
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link

Research Focuses

  • Political sociology
  • Party and party system research
  • Elite research
  • Parliamentary research
  • Regional and local political research
  • Comparative democracy research
  • Psephology


Dr. Jörg Hebenstreit de

Dr. Anne Küppers de

Dr. Jonathan Rinne de

Pierre Zissel de

Permanent Research and Teaching Fellow

Dr. Michael Edinger de

Student Assistants

Rosalie Hoppe

Maximilian Nehring

Nathalie Neuberger

Benita Sewing

Eric Steffes

Henning Sylla

Vinzenz Waldmüller

Profile of our work

The chair covers the entire range of topics related to the German political system in the European multi-level system. Our research and teaching focuses on the study of political parties, elites, parliament and elections. We include comparative perspectives as well as aspects of the Europeanization of the political system. In addition, the chair is also responsible for the training in the field of quantitative methods.