Teaching and Studying

General Information about Teaching and Studying

Courses in the Winter Term 2021/22

Prof. Dr. Marion Reiser

Dr. Anne Küppers

Dr. Sven Leunig

Axel Mössinger M.A.

Dr. Michael Edinger

Legend: L = Lecture, S = Seminar, RC = Research Colloquium


  • POL 140 (Part 1)

    Content: The module is structured around the basic approaches of quantitative methods in the empirical social sciences as well as in statistics. It will provide an overview over the quantitative-empirical research process. Building upon this basis, the central concepts of descriptive statistics (among other things, measures of central tendency and dispersion, bivariate data analysis, regression analysis) and inferential statistics (among other things, normal distribution, statistical significance, point and interval estimation) will be addressed. Skills in data evaluation will be acquired by using the statistics software R/R Studio.

    Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of the first part of the module the students will have developed the abilities to access empirical research in the social sciences, carry out a quantitative research project as well as a computer-based analysis of empirical data using R/RStudio.

  • POL 210

    Content: The lecture addresses the German political system in the European context. The primary focus will be on the public institutions (polity), processes and actors in political decision-making and articulation of interest (politics) as well as specific political issues (policy). Furthermore, the students will learn about important concepts and explanatory approaches by which stability and change of the German political system can be analysed from a comparative European point of view. The accompanying proseminar focuses on the application of knowledge and will deepen and consolidate the content of the lecture.

    Learning Outcomes: The students will acquire a basic understanding of the German political system from a comparative point of view. They will study the basic definitions and central analytical concepts of the study of political systems. In the proseminars, accompanying the lecture, the students will develop their ability to independently analyze political systems orally and in written form.

  • POL 310 / 11

    Content: Based on the focus of choice, the advanced module will explore central issues and challenges of the study of political systems in the European context along with specific questions from political sociology. Depending on the specialization, the national and European level of public institutions (polity), processes and actors in political decision-making and the articulation of interest (politics) as well as public policies (policy) of political systems will form the main focus.

    Learning Outcomes: Beyond the basic knowledge acquired in the basic module, the students will be familiarized with special research areas of political system theory and political sociology. They will develop analytical abilities and deepen their knowledge of the German political system from a comparative perspective. Moreover, the students will get to know the central terms and concepts, classic and modern theories, and the present state of research. Methodologically, a comparative perspective will be applied along with an emphasis on theory-driven social research. In research seminars students are introduced to specific research topics, where they are able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the methods courses (POL 140) to applied questions and challenges in the field of political sociology.

  • POL 500

    Content: The students will prepare a bachelor thesis based on an individually chosen research question. In the preceding research colloquium, the topic, research question, method and available data will be presented and discussed.

  • POL 710 / 711 / 712

    Content: The module explores central issues and problems of the study of political systems in the European context. Depending on the specialisation, the national and European level of public institutions (polity), processes und actors in political decision-making and the articulation of interest (politics) as well as public policies (policy) of political systems will form the main focus.

    Depending on the focus, special topics in political systems theory, political sociology or democracy research are studied in addition to POL 710 in more depth. Students will either engage with at least one further specialized topic in political sociology or with at least one further research issue in the field of democracy research. The contents of the advanced module II are covered in a comparative perspective and are largely based on recent publications in national and international journals. In this context, theoretical approaches and empirical studies are of central importance.

    Learning Outcomes: The module serves to familiarize students with current research topics and innovative conceptual developments in political systems theory. Students will continue to develop analytical skills, expand methodological abilities, and deepen their theoretical knowledge.

    In research seminars, students are introduced to specific research and will apply their knowledge and skills in empirical social research acquired in the research design module (POL 600) to specific topics and challenges of political sociology.

  • POL 900

    Content: The module serves the discussion of specific research problems and the preparation for the final MA thesis. For their Master's thesis, students will review the current state of research in their field of specialization and will develop a research question as well as a concept to address it. Students will further present their research question, the theoretical framework as well as their conception of the outline and its methodical implementation. In addition, examination candidates will receive suggestions, critique, and guidance for their proposed research projects through seminar discussion.

    Learning Outcomes: The aim of the module is to develop a consistent research design to address a self-chosen research question.

  • MAPOL 140


  • MAPOL 310


  • MAPOL 340


  • MAPOL 350


General Information about Bachelor's and Master's theses

We are happy to supervise bachelor's, master's as well as state examination theses that are related to our chair's teaching and research areas. We recommend that you contact your preferred supervisor as early as possible with a preliminary draft of the research question in order to be able to discuss it prior to the first draft of the exposé.