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Environmental Politics

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Image: Andreas Bauermeister


Sina Leipold, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Portraitphoto von Prof. Dr. Sina Leipold
Image: André Künzelmann


Ines Schildhauer
Photo of Ines Schildhauer
Image: Ines Schildhauer
Room 438
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link

Research Focuses

  • Discourses, Narratives & Discursive Agency
  • Interpretative Policy Analysis
  • Circular Economy
  • Bio-Economy
  • Sustainable supply chains, Illegal logging and trade, Legality Verification
  • Urban and Industrial Ecology

Research Profile

To address global environmental change, we need a deeper understanding of how to regulate the interactions between the social and biophysical worlds. Our research brings together social and environmental science with policy and practice expertise to create new knowledge for a sustainable transformation of our society.

Specifically, we are dedicated to research that provides groundbreaking insights into the governance of inter- and transnational resource flows and their biophysical impacts. To achieve this goal, our research draws on deep knowledge of political science and social science theories and methods, complemented by environmental science and engineering knowledge and approaches. We apply both qualitative and quantitative research methods, focusing on selected micro-, meso-, and macro-level attributes.

To achieve impact, we design and implement transformative research and teaching projects, working closely with policy makers and industry. We also communicate our findings through publications, lectures, and social media to build a global network of scholars and practitioners that promotes sustainable development in practice.

More information coming soon hereExternal link.