Student council workshop

The Student Council of Political Science & Social Studies of the University of Jena went to Potsdam for a workshop.

Klausurtagung Einblick

Image: Fachschaftsrat Politikwissenschaft/Sozialkunde

From 29.04.-01.05.2022 we, the members of the Student Council for Political Science & Social Studies (FSR), were in a seminar house in Potsdam for a workshop.

The goal of the 3-day meeting was, in addition to better cooperation and good cohesion in the team, also the planning of upcoming events and the future of the FSR in general. We arrived and left by train.

On the first day we first got to know each other better and strengthened our team bonding with group games. In addition, we defined the course of the meeting and clarified expectations and wishes for the weekend.

Guided by an external speaker, we started with the content-related work on the second day. First of all, we worked out projects for the summer semester and then further concretized them in smaller working groups. This resulted in some great projects and events. So be curious what will come in the next time!

On the third and last day, we focused on our working methods and on passing on information and experience to the next FSR generation in terms of content and structure. Soon the committee elections will take place at the university, which is why it is especially important to collect and pass on our experiences. We were also able to gain important insights for our future cooperation and are now moving into implementation.

Of course, the free time was not neglected either! We explored the surroundings, had great conversations, had a lot of fun together and drank a cold drink or two.
Now we are even more motivated than before, especially because we are now allowed to work in presence again. We are looking forward to doing our best for our student council and to offer you, the students, interesting events.

You want to stay up-to-date or learn more about us? Then subscribe to our Instagram channel: fsr.powi.jenaExternal link