About us

Composition of the Student Council

Our Board

  • Anton Gries Portrait
    Image: Arbeitskreis Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
    Anton Gries (Chair) Hi, I'm Anton, 23 years old and I'm studying Political Science and Philosophy for my Bachelor's degree.
    As the new (and old) chair of the FSR, I would like to get as much going for you as possible this semester and next. I've been in the FSR since 2020 and I think that we always have new ideas and that we can bring some variety to everyday university life in the future.
  • Lars Malzkorn Portrait
    Image: Arbeitskreis Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
    Lars Malzkorn (deputy chair and head of finances) Hi, I'm Lars (22) and I'm studying political science and public law for my Bachelor's degree. Since this semester, I have been deputy chairman and budget manager of the FSR. I joined the FSR because I want to improve the everyday life of my fellow students and I enjoy organizing exciting events. I enjoy my work and have made many new friends.
  • Anna Rose Krauß Portrait
    Image: Arbeitskreis Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
    Anna Rose Krauß (Treasurer) Hi, I'm Anna, I'm 21 years old and I'm studying political science and economics for my bachelor's degree. In addition to my role as cashier, I am also head of the AK Public Releations and anti-discrimination officer. In the current and coming semester, we want to offer you a variety of events again, so I am happy about any feedback! I am happy to answer any questions, criticism and praise. :D