Sports Management Survey Jena

As part of the Jena Sports Management Survey, regular quantitative empirical surveys are conducted. Each sports management relevant issues are discussed.


Urban development through sport II

Due to the topical relevance of urban development through sport, the Chair of Sport Economics and Health Economics of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena has taken up the study from the previous year and has added new aspects. In a representative survey in five other major cities, the survey on sports and physical activity was expanded by a few aspects. For example, consideration is given to company sport and migrants, and passive sports consumption (stadium visits, public viewing and sports broadcasts on TV) is examined.

The evaluation of the activity of migrants living in Germany analyzes the temporal scope of the regular sports exercises regardless of the organizational or motivational framework and compares them with the physical activity of people without a migration background. Furthermore, the evaluation shows which determinants influence the physical activity of the migrants.

Daumann, F., Esipovich, E., Römmelt, B. & Heinze, R. (2015). Wie sportlich aktiv sind Migranten in Deutschland?
In Jenaer Sportmanagement Survey, No. 5, Jena. Download: hierExternal link


Urban development through sports I

Current population trends are accompanied by a trend towards urbanization. On average, 73 percent of the population lives in cities in Europe, in Germany 74 percent on average. This development is a challenge for any city. Thus, urban development is becoming an important tool for health care, as well as for manpower and tourist attraction.

Against this background, the Chair of Sports Economics and Health Economics of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena conducted a representative survey in five major German cities. The study provides insights into the differences between physical activity and sporting activity of the urban population as well as image factors that influence the choice of a city as a place of residence. In addition, the findings serve to distinguish different types of urban tourists.

Daumann, F., Heinze, R., Römmelt, B. & Wunderlich, A. (2015). An active city approach for urban development. In Journal of Urban Health, DOI 10.1007/s11524-014-9929-9.

Daumann, F., Heinze, R., Wunderlich, A. & Römmelt, B. (2014). Sportaktiver Stadttourismus - Chance für das StadtmarketingExternal link. Vortrag zum 14. Hamburger Symposium Sport, Ökonomie und Medien vom 05. - 06.06.2014 in Hamburg zum Thema "Sport und Stadtmarketing".


Effect of the RTL show "Let's Dance" on the German dance sport

Since 2006, RTL pay attention to the dance sports almost every year with the show "Let's Dance". This is a German version of the BBC show "Strictly Come Dancing", in which several celebrities compete against each other in pairs with a professional tournament dancer in standard and Latin American dances. There is no question that "Let's Dance" has a high entertainment value. The format of the show combines all the features that modern television has to offer: surprises of a live performance, the glory of prominent candidates, the thrill of a competition and direct influence on the part of the audience. Since several years, this has ensured a high popularity of the dance show among German television audiences and leads to enormously high ratings.

These ratings also point to a high interest in dance sports in general and lead to the question whether "Let's Dance" has an influence on dancing in Germany.

Therefore, the chair of Sports Economics and Health Economics of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena pursued this question in a two-part investigation: First, in a population survey, the influence of the dance show on the motivation and attitudes to dance was made. In the second part, an evaluation of the results of the RTL-Show and the actual effects on the membership development in the German Dance Sport Association and in the General German Dance Teachers Association was made.

Daumann, F., Esipovich, L. & Heinze, R. (2013). Wirkung der RTL-Tanzshow "Let's Dance" auf das Mitgliederpotenzial im deutschen Tanzsport Teil 1 - Zuschauerbefragung. In Jenaer Sportmanagement Survey, No. 3, Jena. Download: hierExternal link

Summary - Wirkung von Let's Dance auf das Mitgliederpotenzial im deutschen Tanzsport - Teil1External link

Daumann, F., Esipovich, L. & Heinze, R. (2013). Wirkung der RTL-Tanzshow "Let's Dance" auf die Mitgliederentwicklung im deutschen Tanzsport Teil 2 - Tanzvereine und Tanzschulen. In Jenaer Sportmanagement Survey, No. 4, Jena. Download: hierExternal link


Image analysis

Today, profit and nonprofit organizations in the sports market as well as competitive athletes are increasingly on the focus of the media and the public. This creates a situation that, on the one hand, leads to peak performance and, on the other hand, leads to the growing importance of the image as a value-adding factor throughout the industry. Thus, it is becoming increasingly important for all entrepreneurial activities in the sports market not only to be known, but also to have a positive public image, as this has a significant impact on the confidence of all stakeholder groups.

With this background, a representative population survey was conducted by the Chair of Sports Economics of the Friedrich Schiller University. The aim of the study was to obtain a valid, scientific insight of the subjective perception of objects from different areas of the sports market. In doing so, the awareness, strengths and weaknesses of the image profiles of individual brands, sports associations, top-level athletes and (football) clubs are made transparent on the basis of certain criteria.

Daumann, F., Esipovich, L. & Römmelt, B. (2012). Untersuchung ausgewählter Imageprofile aus verschiedenen Bereichen des Sportmarktes. In Jenaer Sportmanagement Survey, No. 2, Jena. Download: hierExternal link

Daumann, F., Esipovich, L. & Römmelt, B. (2012). Forschungsreport - Bekanntheit und Imageprofile von Sportverbänden. In Sciamus - Sport und Management, 2/2012, S. 32-35. DownloadExternal link


The sports betting market in Germany

The sports betting market in Germany is currently in a restructuring phase, as a gambling sports betting fall under state gambling monopoly of criticism. In its decision of 08.09.2010, the European Court of Justice considered this monopoly unjustified, as the preventive objectives are no longer effectively pursued. The consequence of this decision is an amendment to the state gaming treaty, which aims to open the billion-dollar sports betting market in Germany for private providers since 2012. Against this background, the Chair of Sports Economics of the Friedrich Schiller University carried out a representative survey, which was to reflect an opinion on how Germans stick to sports betting.

Daumann, F., Römmelt, B. & Heinze, R. (2011). Forschungsreport - Der Markt für Sportwetten in Deutschland aus Bevölkerungsperspektive. In Sciamus - Sport und Management, 3/2011, S. 28-31. DownloadExternal link


Winter Olympics 2018

Sporting mega-events have always been a special matter for organizers, participating athletes and spectators at the venue or for the population in the host country. The Germans like to remember the mood at the Football World Cup in 2006. Similar emotions were experienced by the South Africans last year or by the Austrians and Swiss at the European Football Championship in 2008. In the same year, the Chinese celebrated the Olympic Summer Games in Beijing, two years later, the world looked to the Winter Games in Vancouver, Canada. Currently, many Germans hope to welcome the best winter sports fans to the Olympic Winter Games in Munich in 2018 and thus, have another major sporting event in their own country. With this background, this study was carried out by the Department of Sports Economics of the Friedrich Schiller University. The aim was the nationwide representative survey of opinions of the population on current topics with a relevance for sports management and sports policy. The study follows a descriptive approach and is intended to reflect opinions in the population cross section.

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2011). Olympische Winterspiele 2018. In Jenaer Sportmanagement Survey, No. 1, Jena. Download: hierExternal link

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2011). Forschungsreport - Olympische Winterspiele in Deutschland aus Bevölkerungsperspektive. In Sciamus - Sport und Management, 2/2011, S. 47-49. DownloadExternal link