Research projects

Cooperation partner / Sponsor / Client

Quality management in the sports federation – development of a standardized instrument for quantitative assessment of the quality of national sports associations

2015 – 2017

Federal sports associations are in the process of developing from managing and coordinating non-profit organizations to forward-looking service organizations. In this context, the quality of the provided services plays an important role. The aim of the research project is therefore to develop a standardized measuring instrument for the evaluation of the quality of national sports associations. The base for this are models for recording the quality of service, approaches of the TQM and models for the evaluation of organizational performance.

Publications / Lectures:



Sports Development Planning Jena 2014/2015

02/2014 - 02/2015

After the first sports development report for the city of Jena was compiled in 2008, it will be updated in 2014. Jena pursues an integrative approach in which the results are discussed in planning groups with all relevant stakeholders of the sports organization of Jena and measures are developed together. These then serve as the planning basis for sports development in Jena for the next few years.

The Department of Sports Economics and Health Economics is the city's scientific partner. It is responsible for the development of questionnaires for population and association surveys adapted to Jena's particular challenges, the evaluation of the collected data, including the accounting of sport’s needs, and the moderation of the planning groups.

Publications / Lectures:
Sports Development Report Jena 2014/2015



Quality management in the sports association – development of a quality management system for sports associations as a constitutive prerequisite of an efficient service orientation

2008 - 2011

The aim of the research project is to prepare the implementation of a quality management system by developing quality standards and the elaboration of a modularized quality criteria catalog, which can increase the quality of provided service by the national sports associations, optimize the internal communication structures and improve the inter-organizational communication structures.

Publications / Lectures:

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2013). Qualitätsmanagement im Bundessportfachverband. Qualitätsrelevante Stakeholder in Bundessportfachverbänden - Eine qualitative Studie als Basis für die Implementierung eines Qualitätsmanagementsystems, Köln: Strauß.

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2012). Qualitätsmanagement im Bundessportfachverband. In Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (Hrsg.), BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2011/12, Bonn. S.109-116.

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2012). Qualitätsmanagement im Sport. In G. Nufer & A. Bühler (Hrsg.), Management im Sport (S. 445-470), 3. Auflage, Berlin: Erich Schmidt.

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2012). Qualitätsmanagement im Sportverband. Präsentation der Ergebnisse im Rahmen der Präsidiumssitzung des Deutschen Ruderverbandes am 04.02.2012 in Kassel.

Römmelt, B. (2012). Interview "Für eine bessere Qualität im DRV". In Rudersport, 3/2012, S. 57.

Römmelt, B. (2011). Grundlegende Überlegungen zum Qualitätsmanagement in Bundessportfachverbänden, Vortrag im Rahmen von J-DOKS 2011 am 03.11.2011 in Jena.

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2011). Qualitätsmanagement im Sportverband. Präsentation der Ergebnisse im Rahmen des Workshops "Qualitätsmanagement - Nicht nur im Leistungssport, Aktueller Stand, Erfahrungen und Ansätze zur Einführung von QM in Sportverbänden" der Führungsakademie des DOSB am 25.10.2011 in Köln.

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2011). Qualitätsmanagement im Sportverband, Präsentation der Ergebnisse in der Geschäftsstelle des Deutschen Leichtathletik-Verbandes am 13.09.2011 in Darmstadt.

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2011). Qualitätsmanagement im Sportverband. Präsentation der Ergebnisse in der Geschäftsstelle des Deutschen Hockey-Bundes am 12.09.2011 in Mönchengladbach.

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2011). Qualitätsmanagement im Sportverband. Präsentation der Ergebnisse in der Geschäftsstelle des Deutschen Tennis am 30.08.2011 in Hamburg.

Daumann, F. (2011). Interview "Qualitätsmanagement - Nicht nur im Leistungssport" mit der Führungsakademie des DOSB am 28.08.2011. (Zugriff unter

Römmelt, B. (2010). Teilnahme an QM-Workshop der Führungsakademie des DOSB in Köln am 22.03.2010.



IAAF World Championships in Athletics 2009 Berlin


The aim of the research project was the analysis of the visitor structure for the IAAF World Championships in Athletics 2009 in Berlin and derivation of strategic implications.

Publications / Lectures:

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2010): Analyse der Besucherstruktur der 12. IAAF Leichtathletik WM Berlin 2009, Ergebnispräsentation am 21.04.2010 in Darmstadt.

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2010): Kundensegmentierung von Stadionbesuchern der 12. IAAF Leichtathletik WM - Implikationen für das Management der Marke DLV, Beitrag zum 7. Deutschen Sportökonomiekongress vom 17.-19.11.2010 in Köln zum Thema "Markenmanagement im Sport".



Cooperation between Olympic training centers and the economy – development of effective marketing strategies based on empirical research results

01/2004 - 02/2005

Since 1986, the Olympic training centers have been a component of the German top-class sports system with the task of providing social, medical, training-scientific and psychological support to the cadre athletes. However, each individual Olympic training center can accomplish this complex task if the financial environment is stable. At present, the bases are financed by funds from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Landessportbünde, the federal states, the municipalities and the private sector (sponsoring), as well as donations and proceeds from sales of services to third parties. At 50 to 80 percent of the total budget of the Olympic training centers, public funding represents the largest share. The requirements of the original funding concept of the Olympic training centers to finance about one third of the total budget through sponsoring funds and donations in intensive cooperation with the industry have not yet come close achieving. This problem seems to be compounded by the emerging trends, which also affect the Olympic bases: the rising demand for finance in high-performance sports in order to survive in an international environment is offset by the gradual reduction in public sports funding as a result of increasing financial constraints on the part of the public sector. Additional sources of revenue therefore need to be developed and expanded, with sponsorship funds playing a primary role. In this context, the goal of the research project is to analyze the current state of marketing of sponsorship rights of the Olympic bases and to develop a strategy for the future marketing of these rights.

Publications / Lectures:

Daumann, F., Langer, M. & Altmann, A. (2008). Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Olympiastützpunkten und der Wirtschaft. In BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung, 08/2007, S. 215-218.

Daumann, F., Langer, M. & Altmann, A. (2007). Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Olympiastützpunkten und der Wirtschaft. Köln: Strauß.

Daumann, F. & Altmann, A. (2004). Zusammenarbeit zwischen Olympiastützpunkten und Wirtschaft: Entwicklung wirksamer Vermarktungsstrategien anhand empirischer Untersuchungsergebnisse. In BISp-Jahrbuch 2004, 297-302.