Research methods and statistics

Methods and statistics in sports

Academic Advice: Dr. Daniel Hamacher
Research methods and statistics
Graphic: Fiedler & Hamacher

Personal details

Since April 2015, Dr. Daniel Hamacher is a research associate at the Department of Movement and Exercise Science at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. After graduating as a qualified sports engineer at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (2001-2008), Mr. Hamacher wrote his doctoral thesis "Evaluation of augmented feedback in gait training for patients after total endoprosthetic care of the hip joint". Supported by a scholarship of the Medical Faculty, the dissertation was successfully defended in 2013. From 2012 to 2015, Mr. Hamacher was a research associate at the Chair of Training and Health at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. From April 2014 to March 2015, he headed the structural field "Theory and Practice of Sports".

  • Publications & further information
  • Courses

    Lehre im Studiengang B.Sc. Sportwissenschaft - Performance & Health

    • Research Methods
    • Statistics in Sports
    • Data Processing and Signal Processing in Sports

    Lehre im Studiengang B.A. Sportwissenschaft - Sportmangement

    • Introduction to Statistics

    Lehre im Lehramtstudiengang

    • Introduction to Statistics

    Lehre im Studiengang B.A. Sportwissenschaft

    • Introduction to Statistics

    Lehre im Masterstudiengang

    • Advanced Statistics
    • Programming
    • Biomechanical Models
  • Research interests
    • Stability and functional variability of cyclic motions