Dissertation awards for Anna Schröger and Laura Sperl
Anna u Laura
Image: Anna/ LauraCongratulations to all four winners of this year's dissertation awards by the section General & Cognitive Psychology of the German Psychological Society (DGPs). The winners are Frederik Aust (1st prize), Matthias Sperl (2nd prize) as well as Anna Schröger and Laura Sperl (split 3rd prize).
Anna Schröger (Title of dissertation: Spatiotemporal biases in manual interception – effects of visual and auditory information processing) and Laura Sperl (Title of dissertation: Challenges in motor skill change: Unraveling behavioral, cognitive and electrophysiological correlates of proactive interference), both conducted their PhD research in our Department for the Psychology of Human Movement and Sport and finished their PhDs in 2022 (AS) und 2021 (LS).
We are proud of Anna's and Laura's achievements and congratulate to their well deserved awards!