55th Annual Conference of the asp in Stuttgart
asp 2023
Image: privatTitled "Human Performance - Assessment, Intervention & Analyses", the 55th Annual Conference of the German Society for Sport Psychology (May 18-20, 2023) was held in Stuttgart, the capital of the German Federal State of Baden-Württemberg (asp-tagung.de – ASP TagungExternal link).
On this occasion, current as well as former staff members of the Department for the Psychology of Human Movement and Sport came together.
The current staff members of the Department for the Psychology of Human Movement and Sport were successfully represented with two talks in different symposia as well as three posters at the poster session (speakers or presenters are printed in bold).
- Talk: Auditory information and anticipation in tennis: influences of task type and time pressure (Florian Müller, Johannes Will, Rouwen Cañal-Bruland)
- Talk: Performance differences of elite ski jumpers: team vs. individual competition moderates the influence of motive characteristics (Florian Müller, Stephan Hocke, Rouwen Cañal-Bruland)
- Poster: Zooming in on decision-making over short timescales in anticipatory behaviour (Henrietta Weinberg, Rouwen Cañal-Bruland)
- Poster: Joint Action meets Motives: Methodological challenges in the investigation of interindividual differences in dyadic performance (Normann Hüttner, Florian Müller, Rouwen Cañal-Bruland)
- Poster: Anticipating, Fast and Slow: Is deliberation beneficial or detrimental to intuitive decision-making? (Oliver Seidel-Marzi)
Great thanks are due to the organisational team of the University of Stuttgart around Prof. Dr. Nadja Schott, who prepared and realized the annual conference in an outstanding way! Many grateful thanks!