Eric Grießbach successfully defended his PhD thesis
Doctoral defence Eric Grießbach
Image: Rouwen Cañal-BrulandCongratulations to Dr. Eric Grießbach! He successfully defended his PhD thesis, entitled "Embodied decision biases during walking". His supervisor Prof. Rouwen Cañal-Bruland (University of Jena) and the further members of the examination committee Prof. Joachim Hermsdörfer (TU Munich, examiner) and Prof. Gyula Kovács (University of Jena; chair of the examination committee) as well as all guests including colleagues, friends and family celebrated this achievement together with the new "Dr." Grießbach after the successful defence on May 2, 2023. We wish Eric all the best for his personal future, in particular, for his exciting position as a postdoc in the Brain, Learning, Animation and Movement Lab directed by Prof. John Krakauer and Prof. Adrian Haith at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (USA)