
The Department for the Psychology of Human Movement and Sport offers the following courses during the

Winter term 2022/2023

  • Movement science and motor learning & control (lecture)
  • Research methods in motor learning & control (lecture, tutorial/seminar)
  • Selected topics in motor learning & control (seminar)
  • Motor development across the life span (seminar)
  • Psychological determinants of motivation and stress (seminar)
  • Social psychology in sports (seminar)
  • Motor learning & control (seminar)
  • Cognitive and psychological aspects of sports performance (seminar)
  • Lifespan Motor Development (seminar)
  • Research Colloquium (for State Examination): Sport Psychology & Motor Learning and Control
  • Research Colloquium (for Bachelor's and Master's theses): Sport Psychology & Motor Learning and Control
  • Academic Skills (seminar)
  • Gymnastics
  • Volleyball

 For more information, please consult FriedolinExternal link (in German only).

Student's Theses

Students, who are interested in a thesis at the department of Sport Psychology please refer to rouwen.canal.bruland@uni-jena.de.

The Department for the Psychology of Human Movement and Sport currently offers theses on the following topics: