Welcome to the Department for the Psychology of Human Movement and Sport

We welcome two new postdocs - Johannes Keck and Dr. Kazuyuki Sato - who will join the Momentum project "Navigating Anticipation Research to New Frontiers" funded by the VolkswagenStiftung


We are happy to welcome our two new postdocs Johannes Keck and Dr. Kazuyuki Sato to the Department for the Psychology of Human Movement and Sport. Johannes and Kazuyuki join the Momentum project "Navigating Anticipation Research to New Frontiers" funded by the VolkswagenStiftung (June 2024 - June 2028). We look forward to working with Johannes and Kazuyuki, and we wish them a smooth start and a successful and productive time here in Jena.

Johannes Keck

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Johannes Keck previously worked in the research group of Prof. Jörn Munzert at the University of Gießen (https://www.uni-giessen.de/de/fbz/fb06/sport/arbe/bewpsyExternal linkExterner LinkExternal link) where he is about to finish his PhD very soon.

We are lucky to have him on the team given his neuroscientific as well as human movement science experience and expertise.

Welcome, Johannes! 

Kazuyuki Sato

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Kazuyuki Sato recently finished his PhD at Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan) in the Perception & Action Laboratory led by Prof. Takahiro Higuchi (https://locomotion-lab.fpark.tmu.ac.jp/en/access/index.html)External link. Congratulations on this achievement.

We are lucky to have him on the team given his strong background in Virtual Reality (VR) reasearch as well as his expertise in human movement science.

Kazu, yoku irasshaimashita!