In the Social Potentials in Autism research unit, we deal with a disorder which affects real people in their daily lives. That is why our research only makes sense if it is carried out in the service of those affected, i.e. autistic people and their families.
When new findings in early diagnosis and therapeutic support are linked to the living environment of those affected and their relatives, their lives can be significantly improved.
Quote: Website of the DZPG
Directly support us by participating in studies
Autistic people and their relatives can get involved in individual projects. In addition to the participatory bodies mentioned above, the easiest way to do this is to support our studies with your participation. Your participation in our studies is what makes our research possible.
We are particularly pleased about your interest in our DFG-funded research project on neurofeedback in autism spectrum disorders.
NeuroFeedback in session with the screen showing static
Image: Simone DahmenAre you curious about supporting our research as a participant? Please get in touch with us by sending a short email to sekretariat.allgpsy@uni-jena.de
Write your thesis with us
Are you about to graduate in psychology or neuroscience and are interested in the field of person perception and social interaction in autistic or non-autistic people? Perhaps you already have an idea for a thesis topic? We regularly offer theses in the Social Potentials in Autism Research Unit. We offer theses on all academic levels (Bachelor, Master PhD).
Please get in contact with us via sekretariat.allgpsy@uni-jena.de.
Research internships at the Social Potentials in Autism research unit are also possible!
Additional information, Partner Websites
- die Autismus-Forschungs-Kooperation (afk) (Website der afkExternal link)
- Beratung und Unterstützung autistischer Menschen und ihrer Familien durch die Herbert-Feuchte StiftungExternal link in Thüringen
- Website des Deutschen Zentrums für Psychische Gesundheit, zum Thema Beteiligung von Betroffenen in der Forschung und Entwicklung von Interventionen. https://www.dzpg.org/partizipation/beteiligungsmoeglichkeitenExternal link