Audience at an event of the Research Unit

Past Events

Since our inaugural event in 2015, the Social Potentials in Autism Research Unit has organized and partizipated in a number of events and symposia. Find an overview here!
Audience at an event of the Research Unit
Image: Unknown

Elterninformationstag Autismus 25th Juni 2022

= Information Day for parents/guardians of autists. The event offered talks and worksshops.

Studieren mit Neurodivergenz 20th November 2023

= Studying as a neurodivergent. The event offered several talks.

Autismus-Fachtag 18th September 2024

Autism Symposium by the Herbert-Feuchte-Stiftung. Talks concerning autism in general aswell autists in education context were offered. Additionally there were talks by autists, contributing a first-hand perspective. The Social Potentials in Autism Research Unit was present with our Neurofeedback Training paradigm,educating about the procedure. Learn more about our Neurofeedback Training Study.